eudc: Display of Query Results

 3.3 Display of Query Results
 Upon successful completion of a form query, EUDC will display a buffer
 containing the results of the query.
    The fields that are returned for each record are controlled by
 ‘eudc-default-return-attributes’ (SeeReturn Attributes).
    The display of each individual field can be performed by an arbitrary
 function which allows specific processing for binary values, such as
 images or audio samples, as well as values with semantics, such as URLs.
  -- Variable: eudc-attribute-display-method-alist
      An alist specifying methods to display attribute values.  Each
      member of the list is of the form ‘(NAME . FUNC)’ where NAME is a
      lowercased string naming a directory attribute (translated
      according to ‘eudc-user-attribute-names-alist’ if
      ‘eudc-use-raw-directory-names’ is non-‘nil’) and FUNC a function
      that will be passed the corresponding attribute values for display.
    This variable has protocol-local definitions (see See
 Server/Protocol Locals).  For instance, it is defined as follows for
      (eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-attribute-display-method-alist
                         '(("jpegphoto" . eudc-display-jpeg-inline)
                           ("labeledurl" . eudc-display-url)
                           ("audio" . eudc-display-sound)
                           ("labeledurl" . eudc-display-url)
                           ("url" . eudc-display-url))
    EUDC provides a set of built-in functions to display binary value
  -- Function: eudc-display-generic-binary data
      Display a button for unidentified binary DATA.
  -- Function: eudc-display-url url
      Display URL and make it clickable.
  -- Function: eudc-display-sound data
      Display a button to play the sound DATA.
  -- Function: eudc-display-jpeg-inline data
      Display the JPEG DATA inline at point if possible.
  -- Function: eudc-display-jpeg-as-button data
      Display a button for the JPEG DATA.
    Right-clicking on a binary value button pops up a contextual menu
 with options to process the value.  Among these are saving the attribute
 value to a file or sending it to an external viewer command.  External
 viewers should expect the value on their standard input and should
 display it or perform arbitrary processing on it.  Messages sent to
 standard output are discarded.  External viewers are listed in the
 variable ‘eudc-external-viewers’ which you can customize.
  -- Variable: eudc-external-viewers
      This is a list of viewer program specifications.  Each
      specification is a list whose first element is a string naming the
      viewer for unique identification, the second element is the
      executable program which should be invoked and the following
      elements are arguments that should be passed to the program.