eshell: Bugs and ideas

 6 Bugs and ideas
 If you find a bug or misfeature, don’t hesitate to report it, by using
 ‘M-x report-emacs-bug’.  The same applies to feature requests.  It is
 best to discuss one thing at a time.  If you find several unrelated
 bugs, please report them separately.
    Below is a list of some known problems with Eshell version 2.4.2,
 which is the version included with Emacs 22.
 Documentation incomplete
 Differentiate between aliases and functions
      Allow for a Bash-compatible syntax, such as:
           alias arg=blah
           function arg () { blah $* }
 ‘for i in 1 2 3 { grep -q a b && *echo has it } | wc -l’ outputs result after prompt
      In fact, piping to a process from a looping construct doesn’t work
      in general.  If I change the call to ‘eshell-copy-handles’ in
      ‘eshell-rewrite-for-command’ to use ‘eshell-protect’, it seems to
      work, but the output occurs after the prompt is displayed.  The
      whole structured command thing is too complicated at present.
 Error with ‘bc’ in ‘eshell-test’
      On some XEmacs system, the subprocess interaction test fails
      inexplicably, although ‘bc’ works fine at the command prompt.
 Eshell does not delete ‘*Help*’ buffers in XEmacs 21.1.8+
      In XEmacs 21.1.8, the ‘*Help*’ buffer has been renamed such that
      multiple instances of the ‘*Help*’ buffer can exist.
 Pcomplete sometimes gets stuck
      You press <TAB>, but no completions appear, even though the
      directory has matching files.  This behavior is rare.
 ‘grep python $<rpm -qa>’ doesn’t work, but using ‘*grep’ does
      This happens because the ‘grep’ Lisp function returns immediately,
      and then the asynchronous ‘grep’ process expects to examine the
      temporary file, which has since been deleted.
 Problem with C-r repeating text
      If the text _before point_ reads "./run", and you type ‘C-r r u n’,
      it will repeat the line for every character typed.
 Backspace doesn’t scroll back after continuing (in smart mode)
      Hitting space during a process invocation, such as ‘make’, will
      cause it to track the bottom of the output; but backspace no longer
      scrolls back.
 It’s not possible to fully ‘unload-feature’ Eshell
 Menu support was removed, but never put back
 Using C-p and C-n with rebind gets into a locked state
      This happened a few times in Emacs 21, but has been irreproducible
 If an interactive process is currently running, ‘M-!’ doesn’t work
 Use a timer instead of ‘sleep-for’ when killing child processes
 Piping to a Lisp function is not supported
      Make it so that the Lisp command on the right of the pipe is
      repeatedly called with the input strings as arguments.  This will
      require changing ‘eshell-do-pipeline’ to handle non-process
 Input redirection is not supported
      See the above entry.
 Problem running ‘less’ without arguments on Windows
      The result in the Eshell buffer is:
           Spawning child process: invalid argument
      Also a new ‘less’ buffer was created with nothing in it...
      (presumably this holds the output of ‘less’).
      If ‘less.exe’ is invoked from the Eshell command line, the expected
      output is written to the buffer.
      Note that this happens on NT-Emacs 20.6.1 on Windows 2000.  The
      term.el package and the supplied shell both use the ‘cmdproxy’
      program for running shells.
 Implement ‘-r’, ‘-n’ and ‘-s’ switches for ‘cp’
 Make ‘M-5 M-x eshell’ switch to “*eshell<5>*”, creating if need be
 ‘mv DIR FILE.tar’ does not remove directories
      This is because the tar option –remove-files doesn’t do so.  Should
      it be Eshell’s job?
 Bind ‘standard-output’ and ‘standard-error’
      This would be so that if a Lisp function calls ‘print’, everything
      will happen as it should (albeit slowly).
 When an extension module fails to load, ‘cd /’ gives a Lisp error
 If a globbing pattern returns one match, should it be a list?
 Make sure syntax table is correct in Eshell mode
      So that ‘M-DEL’ acts in a predictable manner, etc.
 Allow all Eshell buffers to share the same history and list-dir
 There is a problem with script commands that output to ‘/dev/null’
      If a script file, somewhere in the middle, uses ‘> /dev/null’,
      output from all subsequent commands is swallowed.
 Split up parsing of text after ‘$’ in ‘esh-var.el’
      Make it similar to the way that ‘esh-arg.el’ is structured.  Then
      add parsing of ‘$[?\n]’.
 After pressing ‘M-RET’, redisplay before running the next command
 Argument predicates and modifiers should work anywhere in a path
           /usr/local/src/editors/vim $ vi **/CVS(/)/Root(.)
           Invalid regexp: "Unmatched ( or \\("
      With ‘zsh’, the glob above expands to all files named ‘Root’ in
      directories named ‘CVS’.
 Typing ‘echo ${locate locate}/bin<TAB>’ results in a Lisp error
      Perhaps it should interpolate all permutations, and make that the
      globbing result, since otherwise hitting return here will result in
      “(list of filenames)/bin”, which is never valuable.  Thus, one
      could ‘cat’ only C backup files by using ‘ls ${identity *.c}~’.  In
      that case, having an alias command name ‘glob’ for ‘identity’ would
      be useful.
 Once symbolic mode is supported for ‘umask’, implement ‘chmod’ in Lisp
 Create ‘eshell-expand-file-name’
      This would use a data table to transform things such as ‘~+’,
      ‘...’, etc.
 Abstract ‘em-smart.el’ into ‘smart-scroll.el’
      It only really needs: to be hooked onto the output filter and the
      pre-command hook, and to have the input-end and input-start
      markers.  And to know whether the last output group was
 Allow for fully persisting the state of Eshell
      This would include: variables, history, buffer, input, dir stack,
 Implement D as an argument predicate
      It means that files beginning with a dot should be included in the
      glob match.
 A comma in a predicate list should mean OR
      At the moment, this is not supported.
 Error if a glob doesn’t expand due to a predicate
      An error should be generated only if ‘eshell-error-if-no-glob’ is
 ‘(+ RET SPC TAB’ does not cause ‘indent-according-to-mode’ to occur
 Create ‘eshell-auto-accumulate-list’
      This is a list of commands for which, if the user presses ‘RET’,
      the text is staged as the next Eshell command, rather than being
      sent to the current interactive process.
 Display file and line number if an error occurs in a script
 ‘wait’ doesn’t work with process ids at the moment
 Enable the direct-to-process input code in ‘em-term.el’
 Problem with repeating ‘echo ${find /tmp}’
      With smart display active, if ‘RET’ is held down, after a while it
      can’t keep up anymore and starts outputting blank lines.  It only
      happens if an asynchronous process is involved...
      I think the problem is that ‘eshell-send-input’ is resetting the
      input target location, so that if the asynchronous process is not
      done by the time the next ‘RET’ is received, the input processor
      thinks that the input is meant for the process; which, when smart
      display is enabled, will be the text of the last command line!
      That is a bug in itself.
      In holding down ‘RET’ while an asynchronous process is running,
      there will be a point in between termination of the process, and
      the running of ‘eshell-post-command-hook’, which would cause
      ‘eshell-send-input’ to call ‘eshell-copy-old-input’, and then
      process that text as a command to be run after the process.
      Perhaps there should be a way of killing pending input between the
      death of the process, and the ‘post-command-hook’.
 Allow for a more aggressive smart display mode
      Perhaps toggled by a command, that makes each output block a smart
      display block.
 Create more meta variables
           The reason for the failure of the last disk command, or the
           text of the last Lisp error.
           A special associate array, which can take references of the
           form ‘$=[REGEXP]’.  It indexes into the directory ring.
 Eshell scripts can’t execute in the background
 Support zsh’s “Parameter Expansion” syntax, i.e., ‘${NAME:-VAL}’
 Write an ‘info’ alias that can take arguments
      So that the user can enter ‘info chmod’, for example.
 Create a mode ‘eshell-browse’
      It would treat the Eshell buffer as a outline.  Collapsing the
      outline hides all of the output text.  Collapsing again would show
      only the first command run in each directory
 Allow other revisions of a file to be referenced using ‘file{rev}’
      This would be expanded by ‘eshell-expand-file-name’ (see above).
 Print “You have new mail” when the “Mail” icon is turned on
 Implement ‘M-|’ for Eshell
 Implement input redirection
      If it’s a Lisp function, input redirection implies ‘xargs’ (in a
      way...).  If input redirection is added, also update the
      ‘file-name-quote-list’, and the delimiter list.
 Allow ‘#<WORD ARG>’ as a generic syntax
      With the handling of _word_ specified by an ‘eshell-special-alist’.
 In ‘eshell-eval-using-options’, allow a ‘:complete’ tag
      It would be used to provide completion rules for that command.
      Then the macro will automagically define the completion function.
 For ‘eshell-command-on-region’, apply redirections to the result
      So that ‘+ > 'blah’ would cause the result of the ‘+’ (using input
      from the current region) to be inserting into the symbol ‘blah’.
      If an external command is being invoked, the input is sent as
      standard input, as if a ‘cat <region> |’ had been invoked.
      If a Lisp command, or an alias, is invoked, then if the line has no
      newline characters, it is divided by whitespace and passed as
      arguments to the Lisp function.  Otherwise, it is divided at the
      newline characters.  Thus, invoking ‘+’ on a series of numbers will
      add them; ‘min’ would display the smallest figure, etc.
 Write ‘eshell-script-mode’ as a minor mode
      It would provide syntax, abbrev, highlighting and indenting support
      like ‘emacs-lisp-mode’ and ‘shell-mode’.
 In the history mechanism, finish the Bash-style support
      This means ‘!n’, ‘!#’, ‘!:%’, and ‘!:1-’ as separate from ‘!:1*’.
 Support the -n command line option for ‘history’
 Implement ‘fc’ in Lisp
 Specifying a frame as a redirection target should imply the currently active window’s buffer
 Implement ‘>FUNC-OR-FUNC-LIST’
      This would allow for an “output translators”, that take a function
      to modify output with, and a target.  Devise a syntax that works
      well with pipes, and can accommodate multiple functions (i.e.,
      ‘>'(upcase regexp-quote)’ or ‘>'upcase’).
 Allow Eshell to read/write to/from standard input and output
      This would be optional, rather than always using the Eshell buffer.
      This would allow it to be run from the command line (perhaps).
 Write a ‘help’ command
      It would call subcommands with ‘--help’, or ‘-h’ or ‘/?’, as
 Implement ‘stty’ in Lisp
 Support ‘rc’’s matching operator, e.g., ‘~ (LIST) REGEXP’
 Implement ‘bg’ and ‘fg’ as editors of ‘eshell-process-list’
      Using ‘bg’ on a process that is already in the background does
      nothing.  Specifying redirection targets replaces (or adds) to the
      list current being used.
 Have ‘jobs’ print only the processes for the current shell
 How can Eshell learn if a background process has requested input?
 Support ‘2>&1’ and ‘>&’ and ‘2>’ and ‘|&’
      The syntax table for parsing these should be customizable, such
      that the user could change it to use rc syntax: ‘>[2=1]’.
 Allow ‘$_[-1]’, which would indicate the last element of the array
 Make ‘$x[*]’ equal to listing out the full contents of ‘x’
      Return them as a list, so that ‘$_[*]’ is all the arguments of the
      last command.
 Copy ANSI code handling from ‘term.el’ into ‘em-term.el’
      Make it possible for the user to send char-by-char to the
      underlying process.  Ultimately, I should be able to move away from
      using term.el altogether, since everything but the ANSI code
      handling is already part of Eshell.  Then, things would work
      correctly on MS-Windows as well (which doesn’t have ‘/bin/sh’,
      although ‘term.el’ tries to use it).
 Make the shell spawning commands be visual
      That is, make (‘su’, ‘bash’, ‘telnet’, ‘rlogin’, ‘rsh’, etc.) be
      part of ‘eshell-visual-commands’.  The only exception is if the
      shell is being used to invoke a single command.  Then, the behavior
      should be based on what that command is.
 Create a smart viewing command named ‘open’
      This would search for some way to open its argument (similar to
      opening a file in the Windows Explorer).
 Alias ‘read’ to be the same as ‘open’, only read-only
 Write a ‘tail’ command which uses ‘view-file’
      It would move point to the end of the buffer, and then turns on
      auto-revert mode in that buffer at frequent intervals—and a ‘head’
      alias which assumes an upper limit of ‘eshell-maximum-line-length’
      characters per line.
 Make ‘dgrep’ load ‘dired’, mark everything, then invoke ‘dired-do-search’
 Write ‘mesh.c’
      This would run Emacs with the appropriate arguments to invoke
      Eshell only.  That way, it could be listed as a login shell.
 Use an intangible ‘PS2’ string for multi-line input prompts
 Auto-detect when a command is visual, by checking ‘TERMCAP’ usage
 The first keypress after ‘M-x watson’ triggers
 Make ‘/’ electric
      So that it automatically expands and corrects pathnames.  Or make
      pathname completion for Pcomplete auto-expand ‘/u/i/std<TAB>’ to
 Write the ‘pushd’ stack to disk along with ‘last-dir-ring’
 Add options to ‘eshell/cat’ which would allow it to sort and uniq
 Implement ‘wc’ in Lisp
      Add support for counting sentences, paragraphs, pages, etc.
 Once piping is added, implement ‘sort’ and ‘uniq’ in Lisp
 Implement ‘touch’ in Lisp
 Implement ‘comm’ in Lisp
 Implement an ‘epatch’ command in Lisp
      This would call ‘ediff-patch-file’, or ‘ediff-patch-buffer’,
      depending on its argument.
 Have an option such that ‘ls -l’ generates a dired buffer
 Write a version of ‘xargs’ based on command rewriting
      That is, ‘find X | xargs Y’ would be indicated using ‘Y ${find X}’.
      Maybe ‘eshell-do-pipelines’ could be changed to perform this
      on-thy-fly rewriting.
 Write an alias for ‘less’ that brings up a ‘view-mode’ buffer
      Such that the user can press <SPC> and <DEL>, and then <q> to
      return to Eshell.  It would be equivalent to: ‘X > #<buffer Y>;
      view-buffer #<buffer Y>’.
 Make ‘eshell-mode’ as much a full citizen as ‘shell-mode’
      Everywhere in Emacs where ‘shell-mode’ is specially noticed, add
      ‘eshell-mode’ there.
 Permit the umask to be selectively set on a ‘cp’ target
 Problem using ‘M-x eshell’ after using ‘eshell-command’
      If the first thing that I do after entering Emacs is to run
      ‘eshell-command’ and invoke ‘ls’, and then use ‘M-x eshell’, it
      doesn’t display anything.
 ‘M-RET’ during a long command (using smart display) doesn’t work
      Since it keeps the cursor up where the command was invoked.