elisp: Distinguish Interactive

 20.4 Distinguish Interactive Calls
 Sometimes a command should display additional visual feedback (such as
 an informative message in the echo area) for interactive calls only.
 There are three ways to do this.  The recommended way to test whether
 the function was called using ‘call-interactively’ is to give it an
 optional argument ‘print-message’ and use the ‘interactive’ spec to make
 it non-‘nil’ in interactive calls.  Here’s an example:
      (defun foo (&optional print-message)
        (interactive "p")
        (when print-message
          (message "foo")))
 We use ‘"p"’ because the numeric prefix argument is never ‘nil’.
 Defined in this way, the function does display the message when called
 from a keyboard macro.
    The above method with the additional argument is usually best,
 because it allows callers to say “treat this call as interactive”.  But
 you can also do the job by testing ‘called-interactively-p’.
  -- Function: called-interactively-p kind
      This function returns ‘t’ when the calling function was called
      using ‘call-interactively’.
      The argument KIND should be either the symbol ‘interactive’ or the
      symbol ‘any’.  If it is ‘interactive’, then
      ‘called-interactively-p’ returns ‘t’ only if the call was made
      directly by the user—e.g., if the user typed a key sequence bound
      to the calling function, but _not_ if the user ran a keyboard macro
      that called the function (SeeKeyboard Macros).  If KIND is
      ‘any’, ‘called-interactively-p’ returns ‘t’ for any kind of
      interactive call, including keyboard macros.
      If in doubt, use ‘any’; the only known proper use of ‘interactive’
      is if you need to decide whether to display a helpful message while
      a function is running.
      A function is never considered to be called interactively if it was
      called via Lisp evaluation (or with ‘apply’ or ‘funcall’).
 Here is an example of using ‘called-interactively-p’:
      (defun foo ()
        (when (called-interactively-p 'any)
          (message "Interactive!")
      ;; Type ‘M-x foo’.
           ⊣ Interactive!
           ⇒ nil
 Here is another example that contrasts direct and indirect calls to
      (defun bar ()
        (message "%s" (list (foo) (called-interactively-p 'any))))
      ;; Type ‘M-x bar’.
           ⊣ (nil t)