elisp: Auto Filling

 31.14 Auto Filling
 Auto Fill mode is a minor mode that fills lines automatically as text is
 inserted.  This section describes the hook used by Auto Fill mode.  For
 a description of functions that you can call explicitly to fill and
 justify existing text, see SeeFilling.
    Auto Fill mode also enables the functions that change the margins and
 justification style to refill portions of the text.  SeeMargins.
  -- Variable: auto-fill-function
      The value of this buffer-local variable should be a function (of no
      arguments) to be called after self-inserting a character from the
      table ‘auto-fill-chars’.  It may be ‘nil’, in which case nothing
      special is done in that case.
      The value of ‘auto-fill-function’ is ‘do-auto-fill’ when Auto-Fill
      mode is enabled.  That is a function whose sole purpose is to
      implement the usual strategy for breaking a line.
  -- Variable: normal-auto-fill-function
      This variable specifies the function to use for
      ‘auto-fill-function’, if and when Auto Fill is turned on.  Major
      modes can set buffer-local values for this variable to alter how
      Auto Fill works.
  -- Variable: auto-fill-chars
      A char table of characters which invoke ‘auto-fill-function’ when
      self-inserted—space and newline in most language environments.
      They have an entry ‘t’ in the table.