eintr: forward-paragraph

 12.4 ‘forward-paragraph’: a Goldmine of Functions
 The ‘forward-paragraph’ function moves point forward to the end of the
 paragraph.  It is usually bound to ‘M-}’ and makes use of a number of
 functions that are important in themselves, including ‘let*’,
 ‘match-beginning’, and ‘looking-at’.
    The function definition for ‘forward-paragraph’ is considerably
 longer than the function definition for ‘forward-sentence’ because it
 works with a paragraph, each line of which may begin with a fill prefix.
    A fill prefix consists of a string of characters that are repeated at
 the beginning of each line.  For example, in Lisp code, it is a
 convention to start each line of a paragraph-long comment with ‘;;; ’.
 In Text mode, four blank spaces make up another common fill prefix,
 creating an indented paragraph.  (See(emacs)Fill Prefix, for more
 information about fill prefixes.)
    The existence of a fill prefix means that in addition to being able
 to find the end of a paragraph whose lines begin on the left-most
 column, the ‘forward-paragraph’ function must be able to find the end of
 a paragraph when all or many of the lines in the buffer begin with the
 fill prefix.
    Moreover, it is sometimes practical to ignore a fill prefix that
 exists, especially when blank lines separate paragraphs.  This is an
 added complication.
