eintr: Who You Are

 For Whom This is Written
 This text is written as an elementary introduction for people who are
 not programmers.  If you are a programmer, you may not be satisfied with
 this primer.  The reason is that you may have become expert at reading
 reference manuals and be put off by the way this text is organized.
    An expert programmer who reviewed this text said to me:
      I prefer to learn from reference manuals.  I “dive into” each
      paragraph, and “come up for air” between paragraphs.
      When I get to the end of a paragraph, I assume that that subject is
      done, finished, that I know everything I need (with the possible
      exception of the case when the next paragraph starts talking about
      it in more detail).  I expect that a well written reference manual
      will not have a lot of redundancy, and that it will have excellent
      pointers to the (one) place where the information I want is.
    This introduction is not written for this person!
    Firstly, I try to say everything at least three times: first, to
 introduce it; second, to show it in context; and third, to show it in a
 different context, or to review it.
    Secondly, I hardly ever put all the information about a subject in
 one place, much less in one paragraph.  To my way of thinking, that
 imposes too heavy a burden on the reader.  Instead I try to explain only
 what you need to know at the time.  (Sometimes I include a little extra
 information so you won’t be surprised later when the additional
 information is formally introduced.)
    When you read this text, you are not expected to learn everything the
 first time.  Frequently, you need make only a nodding acquaintance with
 some of the items mentioned.  My hope is that I have structured the text
 and given you enough hints that you will be alert to what is important,
 and concentrate on it.
    You will need to dive into some paragraphs; there is no other way to
 read them.  But I have tried to keep down the number of such paragraphs.
 This book is intended as an approachable hill, rather than as a daunting
    This introduction to ‘Programming in Emacs Lisp’ has a companion
 document, SeeThe GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (elisp)Top.  The
 reference manual has more detail than this introduction.  In the
 reference manual, all the information about one topic is concentrated in
 one place.  You should turn to it if you are like the programmer quoted
 above.  And, of course, after you have read this ‘Introduction’, you
 will find the ‘Reference Manual’ useful when you are writing your own