eintr: Summary

 1.10 Summary
 Learning Lisp is like climbing a hill in which the first part is the
 steepest.  You have now climbed the most difficult part; what remains
 becomes easier as you progress onwards.
    In summary,
    • Lisp programs are made up of expressions, which are lists or single
    • Lists are made up of zero or more atoms or inner lists, separated
      by whitespace and surrounded by parentheses.  A list can be empty.
    • Atoms are multi-character symbols, like ‘forward-paragraph’, single
      character symbols like ‘+’, strings of characters between double
      quotation marks, or numbers.
    • A number evaluates to itself.
    • A string between double quotes also evaluates to itself.
    • When you evaluate a symbol by itself, its value is returned.
    • When you evaluate a list, the Lisp interpreter looks at the first
      symbol in the list and then at the function definition bound to
      that symbol.  Then the instructions in the function definition are
      carried out.
    • A single-quote ‘'’ tells the Lisp interpreter that it should return
      the following expression as written, and not evaluate it as it
      would if the quote were not there.
    • Arguments are the information passed to a function.  The arguments
      to a function are computed by evaluating the rest of the elements
      of the list of which the function is the first element.
    • A function always returns a value when it is evaluated (unless it
      gets an error); in addition, it may also carry out some action that
      is a side effect.  In many cases, a function’s primary purpose is
      to create a side effect.