eintr: See variable current value

 Seeing the Current Value of a Variable
 You can see the current value of a variable, any variable, by using the
 ‘describe-variable’ function, which is usually invoked by typing ‘C-h
 v’.  If you type ‘C-h v’ and then ‘kill-ring’ (followed by <RET>) when
 prompted, you will see what is in your current kill ring—this may be
 quite a lot!  Conversely, if you have been doing nothing this Emacs
 session except read this document, you may have nothing in it.  Also,
 you will see the documentation for ‘kill-ring’:
      List of killed text sequences.
      Since the kill ring is supposed to interact nicely with cut-and-paste
      facilities offered by window systems, use of this variable should
      interact nicely with `interprogram-cut-function' and
      `interprogram-paste-function'.  The functions `kill-new',
      `kill-append', and `current-kill' are supposed to implement this
      interaction; you may want to use them instead of manipulating the kill
      ring directly.
    The kill ring is defined by a ‘defvar’ in the following way:
      (defvar kill-ring nil
        "List of killed text sequences.
 In this variable definition, the variable is given an initial value of
 ‘nil’, which makes sense, since if you have saved nothing, you want
 nothing back if you give a ‘yank’ command.  The documentation string is
 written just like the documentation string of a ‘defun’.  As with the
 documentation string of the ‘defun’, the first line of the documentation
 should be a complete sentence, since some commands, like ‘apropos’,
 print only the first line of documentation.  Succeeding lines should not
 be indented; otherwise they look odd when you use ‘C-h v’