eintr: Point and mark

 Point and Mark
 Before discussing ‘save-excursion’, however, it may be useful first to
 review what point and mark are in GNU Emacs.  “Point” is the current
 location of the cursor.  Wherever the cursor is, that is point.  More
 precisely, on terminals where the cursor appears to be on top of a
 character, point is immediately before the character.  In Emacs Lisp,
 point is an integer.  The first character in a buffer is number one, the
 second is number two, and so on.  The function ‘point’ returns the
 current position of the cursor as a number.  Each buffer has its own
 value for point.
    The “mark” is another position in the buffer; its value can be set
 with a command such as ‘C-<SPC>’ (‘set-mark-command’).  If a mark has
 been set, you can use the command ‘C-x C-x’ (‘exchange-point-and-mark’)
 to cause the cursor to jump to the mark and set the mark to be the
 previous position of point.  In addition, if you set another mark, the
 position of the previous mark is saved in the mark ring.  Many mark
 positions can be saved this way.  You can jump the cursor to a saved
 mark by typing ‘C-u C-<SPC>’ one or more times.
    The part of the buffer between point and mark is called “the region”.
 Numerous commands work on the region, including ‘center-region’,
 ‘count-lines-region’, ‘kill-region’, and ‘print-region’.
    The ‘save-excursion’ special form saves the location of point and
 restores this position after the code within the body of the special
 form is evaluated by the Lisp interpreter.  Thus, if point were in the
 beginning of a piece of text and some code moved point to the end of the
 buffer, the ‘save-excursion’ would put point back to where it was
 before, after the expressions in the body of the function were
    In Emacs, a function frequently moves point as part of its internal
 workings even though a user would not expect this.  For example,
 ‘count-lines-region’ moves point.  To prevent the user from being
 bothered by jumps that are both unexpected and (from the user’s point of
 view) unnecessary, ‘save-excursion’ is often used to keep point in the
 location expected by the user.  The use of ‘save-excursion’ is good
    To make sure the house stays clean, ‘save-excursion’ restores the
 value of point even if something goes wrong in the code inside of it
 (or, to be more precise and to use the proper jargon, “in case of
 abnormal exit”).  This feature is very helpful.
    In addition to recording the value of point, ‘save-excursion’ keeps
 track of the current buffer, and restores it, too.  This means you can
 write code that will change the buffer and have ‘save-excursion’ switch
 you back to the original buffer.  This is how ‘save-excursion’ is used
 in ‘append-to-buffer’.  (SeeThe Definition of ‘append-to-buffer’