eintr: Optional Arguments

 5.3.1 Optional Arguments
 Unless told otherwise, Lisp expects that a function with an argument in
 its function definition will be called with a value for that argument.
 If that does not happen, you get an error and a message that says ‘Wrong
 number of arguments’.
    However, optional arguments are a feature of Lisp: a particular
 “keyword” is used to tell the Lisp interpreter that an argument is
 optional.  The keyword is ‘&optional’.  (The ‘&’ in front of ‘optional’
 is part of the keyword.)  In a function definition, if an argument
 follows the keyword ‘&optional’, no value need be passed to that
 argument when the function is called.
    The first line of the function definition of ‘beginning-of-buffer’
 therefore looks like this:
      (defun beginning-of-buffer (&optional arg)
    In outline, the whole function looks like this:
      (defun beginning-of-buffer (&optional arg)
        (interactive "P")
        (or (IS-THE-ARGUMENT-A-CONS-CELL arg)
    The function is similar to the ‘simplified-beginning-of-buffer’
 function except that the ‘interactive’ expression has ‘"P"’ as an
 argument and the ‘goto-char’ function is followed by an if-then-else
 expression that figures out where to put the cursor if there is an
 argument that is not a cons cell.
    (Since I do not explain a cons cell for many more chapters, please
DONTPRINTYET  consider ignoring the function ‘consp’.  SeeHow Lists are
 Implemented List Implementation, and *noteCons Cell and List Types:
DONTPRINTYET  consider ignoring the function ‘consp’.  SeeHow Lists are
 Implemented List Implementation, and SeeCons Cell and List Types

 (elisp)Cons Cell Type.)
    The ‘"P"’ in the ‘interactive’ expression tells Emacs to pass a
 prefix argument, if there is one, to the function in raw form.  A prefix
 argument is made by typing the <META> key followed by a number, or by
 typing ‘C-u’ and then a number.  (If you don’t type a number, ‘C-u’
 defaults to a cons cell with a 4.  A lowercase ‘"p"’ in the
 ‘interactive’ expression causes the function to convert a prefix arg to
 a number.)
    The true-or-false-test of the ‘if’ expression looks complex, but it
 is not: it checks whether ‘arg’ has a value that is not ‘nil’ and
 whether it is a cons cell.  (That is what ‘consp’ does; it checks
 whether its argument is a cons cell.)  If ‘arg’ has a value that is not
 ‘nil’ (and is not a cons cell), which will be the case if
 ‘beginning-of-buffer’ is called with a numeric argument, then this
 true-or-false-test will return true and the then-part of the ‘if’
 expression will be evaluated.  On the other hand, if
 ‘beginning-of-buffer’ is not called with an argument, the value of ‘arg’
 will be ‘nil’ and the else-part of the ‘if’ expression will be
 evaluated.  The else-part is simply ‘point-min’, and when this is the
 outcome, the whole ‘goto-char’ expression is ‘(goto-char (point-min))’,
 which is how we saw the ‘beginning-of-buffer’ function in its simplified