eintr: Looping with while

 Looping with ‘while’
 So long as the true-or-false-test of the ‘while’ expression returns a
 true value when it is evaluated, the body is repeatedly evaluated.  This
 process is called a loop since the Lisp interpreter repeats the same
 thing again and again, like an airplane doing a loop.  When the result
 of evaluating the true-or-false-test is false, the Lisp interpreter does
 not evaluate the rest of the ‘while’ expression and exits the loop.
    Clearly, if the value returned by evaluating the first argument to
 ‘while’ is always true, the body following will be evaluated again and
 again ... and again ... forever.  Conversely, if the value returned is
 never true, the expressions in the body will never be evaluated.  The
 craft of writing a ‘while’ loop consists of choosing a mechanism such
 that the true-or-false-test returns true just the number of times that
 you want the subsequent expressions to be evaluated, and then have the
 test return false.
    The value returned by evaluating a ‘while’ is the value of the
 true-or-false-test.  An interesting consequence of this is that a
 ‘while’ loop that evaluates without error will return ‘nil’ or false
 regardless of whether it has looped 1 or 100 times or none at all.  A
 ‘while’ expression that evaluates successfully never returns a true
 value!  What this means is that ‘while’ is always evaluated for its side
 effects, which is to say, the consequences of evaluating the expressions
 within the body of the ‘while’ loop.  This makes sense.  It is not the
 mere act of looping that is desired, but the consequences of what
 happens when the expressions in the loop are repeatedly evaluated.