eintr: Looping exercise

 11.4 Looping Exercise
    • Write a function similar to ‘triangle’ in which each row has a
      value which is the square of the row number.  Use a ‘while’ loop.
    • Write a function similar to ‘triangle’ that multiplies instead of
      adds the values.
    • Rewrite these two functions recursively.  Rewrite these functions
      using ‘cond’.
    • Write a function for Texinfo mode that creates an index entry at
      the beginning of a paragraph for every ‘@dfn’ within the paragraph.
      (In a Texinfo file, ‘@dfn’ marks a definition.  This book is
      written in Texinfo.)
      Many of the functions you will need are described in two of the
      previous chapters, SeeCutting and Storing Text Cutting &
      Storing Text, and SeeYanking Text Back Yanking.  If you use
      ‘forward-paragraph’ to put the index entry at the beginning of the
      paragraph, you will have to use ‘C-h f’ (‘describe-function’) to
      find out how to make the command go backwards.
      For more information, see SeeIndicating Definitions