eintr: Loading Files

 16.9 Loading Files
 Many people in the GNU Emacs community have written extensions to Emacs.
 As time goes by, these extensions are often included in new releases.
 For example, the Calendar and Diary packages are now part of the
 standard GNU Emacs, as is Calc.
    You can use a ‘load’ command to evaluate a complete file and thereby
 install all the functions and variables in the file into Emacs.  For
      (load "~/emacs/slowsplit")
    This evaluates, i.e., loads, the ‘slowsplit.el’ file or if it exists,
 the faster, byte compiled ‘slowsplit.elc’ file from the ‘emacs’
 sub-directory of your home directory.  The file contains the function
 ‘split-window-quietly’, which John Robinson wrote in 1989.
    The ‘split-window-quietly’ function splits a window with the minimum
 of redisplay.  I installed it in 1989 because it worked well with the
 slow 1200 baud terminals I was then using.  Nowadays, I only
 occasionally come across such a slow connection, but I continue to use
 the function because I like the way it leaves the bottom half of a
 buffer in the lower of the new windows and the top half in the upper
    To replace the key binding for the default ‘split-window-vertically’,
 you must also unset that key and bind the keys to
 ‘split-window-quietly’, like this:
      (global-unset-key "\C-x2")
      (global-set-key "\C-x2" 'split-window-quietly)
    If you load many extensions, as I do, then instead of specifying the
 exact location of the extension file, as shown above, you can specify
 that directory as part of Emacs’s ‘load-path’.  Then, when Emacs loads a
 file, it will search that directory as well as its default list of
 directories.  (The default list is specified in ‘paths.h’ when Emacs is
    The following command adds your ‘~/emacs’ directory to the existing
 load path:
      ;;; Emacs Load Path
      (setq load-path (cons "~/emacs" load-path))
    Incidentally, ‘load-library’ is an interactive interface to the
 ‘load’ function.  The complete function looks like this:
      (defun load-library (library)
        "Load the Emacs Lisp library named LIBRARY.
      This is an interface to the function `load'.  LIBRARY is searched
      for in `load-path', both with and without `load-suffixes' (as
      well as `load-file-rep-suffixes').
      See Info node `(emacs)Lisp Libraries' for more details.
      See `load-file' for a different interface to `load'."
         (list (completing-read "Load library: "
                                (apply-partially 'locate-file-completion-table
        (load library))
    The name of the function, ‘load-library’, comes from the use of
 “library” as a conventional synonym for “file”.  The source for the
 ‘load-library’ command is in the ‘files.el’ library.
    Another interactive command that does a slightly different job is
 ‘load-file’.  SeeLibraries of Lisp Code for Emacs (emacs)Lisp
 Libraries, for information on the distinction between ‘load-library’ and
 this command.