efaq: Replacing text across multiple files

 5.37 How do I perform a replace operation across more than one file?
 Dired mode (‘M-x dired <RET>’, or ‘C-x d’) supports the command
 ‘dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace’ (‘Q’), which allows users to replace
 regular expressions in multiple files.
    You can use this command to perform search/replace operations on
 multiple files by following the following steps:
    • Assemble a list of files you want to operate on with either
      ‘find-dired’, ‘find-name-dired’ or ‘find-grep-dired’.
    • Mark all files in the resulting Dired buffer using ‘t’.
    • Use ‘Q’ to start a ‘query-replace-regexp’ session on the marked
    • To accept all replacements in each file, hit ‘!’.
    Another way to do the same thing is to use the “tags” feature of
 Emacs: it includes the command ‘tags-query-replace’ which performs a
 query-replace across all the files mentioned in the ‘TAGS’ file.  See
 (emacs)Identifier Search.