efaq: Fullscreen mode on MS-Windows

 5.49 How can I start Emacs in fullscreen mode on MS-Windows?
 Beginning with Emacs 24.4 either run Emacs with the ‘--maximized’
 command-line option or put the following form in your ‘.emacs’ file:
      (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'toggle-frame-maximized)
    With older versions use the function ‘w32-send-sys-command’.  For
 example, you can put the following in your ‘.emacs’ file:
      (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook
                (lambda () (w32-send-sys-command ?\xF030)))
    To avoid the slightly distracting visual effect of Emacs starting
 with its default frame size and then growing to fullscreen, you can add
 an ‘Emacs.Geometry’ entry to the Windows registry settings.  See
 (emacs)X Resources.
    To compute the correct values for width and height, first maximize
 the Emacs frame and then evaluate ‘(frame-height)’ and ‘(frame-width)’
 with ‘M-:’.