efaq: Dired claims that no file is on this line

 6.11 Dired says, ‘no file on this line’ when I try to do something.
 Dired uses a regular expression to find the beginning of a file name.
 In a long Unix-style directory listing (‘ls -l’), the file name starts
 after the date.  The regexp has thus been written to look for the date.
 By default, it should understand dates and times regardless of the
 language, but if your directory listing has an unusual format, Dired may
 get confused.
    There are two approaches to solving this.  The first one involves
 setting things up so that ‘ls -l’ outputs a more standard format.  See
 your OS manual for more information.
    The second approach involves changing the regular expression used by
 dired, ‘directory-listing-before-filename-regexp’.