efaq: Binding combinations of modifiers and function keys

 9.12 How do I bind a combination of modifier key and function key?
 You can represent modified function keys in vector format by adding
 prefixes to the function key symbol.  For example (from the Emacs
      (global-set-key [?\C-x right] 'forward-page)
 where ‘?\C-x’ is the Lisp character constant for the character ‘C-x’.
    You can use the modifier keys <Control>, <Meta>, <Hyper>, <Super>,
 <Alt>, and <Shift> with function keys.  To represent these modifiers,
 prepend the strings ‘C-’, ‘M-’, ‘H-’, ‘s-’, ‘A-’, and ‘S-’ to the symbol
 name.  Here is how to make ‘H-M-RIGHT’ move forward a word:
      (global-set-key [H-M-right] 'forward-word)
    • Not all modifiers are permitted in all situations.  <Hyper>,
      <Super>, and <Alt> are not available on Unix character terminals.
      Non-ASCII keys and mouse events (e.g., ‘C-=’ and ‘mouse-1’) also
      fall under this category.
    SeeBinding keys to commands, for general key binding