edt: Starting emulation

 3 How to Get Started
 Start up Emacs and enter ‘M-x edt-emulation-on’ to begin the emulation.
 After initialization is complete, the following message will appear
 below the status line informing you that the emulation has been enabled:
 “Default EDT keymap active”.
    You can have the EDT Emulation start up automatically, each time you
 initiate an Emacs session, by adding the following line to your ‘.emacs’
      (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'edt-emulation-on)
    A reference sheet is included (later on) listing the default EDT
 Emulation key bindings.  This sheet is also accessible on line from
 within Emacs by pressing <PF2>, ‘GOLD-H’, or ‘HELP’ (when in the EDT
 Default Mode).
    It is easy to customize key bindings in the EDT Emulation (See
 Customizing).  Customizations are placed in a file called
 ‘edt-user.el’.  The Emacs ‘etc/’ directory contains an example.  If
 ‘edt-user.el’ is found in your Emacs load path during EDT Emulation
 initialization, then the following message will appear below the status
 line indicating that the emulation has been enabled, enhanced by your
 own customizations: “User EDT custom keymap active”.
    Once enabled, it is easy to switch back and forth between your
 customized EDT Emulation key bindings and the default EDT Emulation key
 bindings.  (Look at the binding to ‘GOLD-Z’ in the sample ‘edt-user.el’
 file.)  It is also easy to turn off the emulation (via the command
 ‘edt-emulation-off’).  Doing so completely restores the original key
 bindings in effect just prior to invoking the emulation.
    Emacs binds keys to ASCII control characters and so does the real
 EDT.  Where EDT key bindings and Emacs key bindings conflict, the
 default Emacs key bindings are retained by the EDT emulation by default.
 keys:: section explains how to change this so that the EDT bindings to
 ASCII control characters override the default Emacs bindings.