ediff: Registry of Ediff Sessions

 4 Registry of Ediff Sessions
 Ediff maintains a registry of all its invocations that are still
 _active_.  This feature is very convenient for switching among active
 Ediff sessions or for quickly restarting a suspended Ediff session.
    The focal point of this activity is a buffer called _*Ediff
 Registry*_.  You can display this buffer by typing ‘R’ in any Ediff
 Control Buffer or Session Group Buffer (SeeSession Groups), or by
 typing ‘M-x eregistry’ into the Minibuffer.  The latter would be the
 fastest way to bring up the registry buffer if no control or group
 buffer is displayed in any of the visible Emacs windows.  If you are in
 a habit of running multiple long Ediff sessions and often need to
 suspend, resume, or switch between them, it may be a good idea to have
 the registry buffer permanently displayed in a separate, dedicated
    The registry buffer has several convenient key bindings.  For
 instance, clicking mouse button 2 or typing ‘RET’ or ‘v’ over any
 session record resumes that session.  Session records in the registry
 buffer provide a fairly complete description of each session, so it is
 usually easy to identify the right session to resume.
    Other useful commands are bound to ‘SPC’ (next registry record) and
 ‘DEL’ (previous registry record).  There are other commands as well, but
 you don’t need to memorize them, since they are listed at the top of the
 registry buffer.