dvipng: Bitmapped graphics

 5.2 Bitmapped graphics
 dvipng can include PNG, JPEG and GIF graphics.  When including such
 images via '\includegraphics' you need to specify the bounding box since
 TeX itself cannot read them from the files in question.  The bounding
 box size should be given as '0 0 w h' in pixels, e.g., if the file
 'imagename.png' is 300x400 pixels, the inclusion would read
      \includegraphics[bb=0 0 300 400]{imagename.png}
    The default size is the image size in bp ("big points" in TeX
 nomenclature or PostScript points as other people have it, 72 per inch).
 That is, default resolution will be 72 dpi for included bitmaps, which
 is the default size in the few other bitmap-capable drivers that are
 known to me (dvipdfm and PDFLaTeX).
    If you want 100 dpi you need to specify the width accordingly.  You
 just divide your image width by 100: a 135 pixel wide image at 100 dpi
 will take up 1.35 inches.  If you want 200 dpi you divide by 200, and so
 on.  Simple, eh?  The example above at 200 dpi would be 1.5 inches wide:
      \includegraphics[bb=0 0 300 400,witdh=1.5in]{imagename.png}