coreutils: mktemp invocation

 18.4 ‘mktemp’: Create temporary file or directory
 ‘mktemp’ manages the creation of temporary files and directories.
      mktemp [OPTION]... [TEMPLATE]
    Safely create a temporary file or directory based on TEMPLATE, and
 print its name.  If given, TEMPLATE must include at least three
 consecutive ‘X’s in the last component.  If omitted, the template
 ‘tmp.XXXXXXXXXX’ is used, and option ‘--tmpdir’ is implied.  The final
 run of ‘X’s in the TEMPLATE will be replaced by alpha-numeric
 characters; thus, on a case-sensitive file system, and with a TEMPLATE
 including a run of N instances of ‘X’, there are ‘62**N’ potential file
    Older scripts used to create temporary files by simply joining the
 name of the program with the process id (‘$$’) as a suffix.  However,
 that naming scheme is easily predictable, and suffers from a race
 condition where the attacker can create an appropriately named symbolic
 link, such that when the script then opens a handle to what it thought
 was an unused file, it is instead modifying an existing file.  Using the
 same scheme to create a directory is slightly safer, since the ‘mkdir’
 will fail if the target already exists, but it is still inferior because
 it allows for denial of service attacks.  Therefore, modern scripts
 should use the ‘mktemp’ command to guarantee that the generated name
 will be unpredictable, and that knowledge of the temporary file name
 implies that the file was created by the current script and cannot be
 modified by other users.
    When creating a file, the resulting file has read and write
 permissions for the current user, but no permissions for the group or
 others; these permissions are reduced if the current umask is more
    Here are some examples (although note that if you repeat them, you
 will most likely get different file names):
    • Create a temporary file in the current directory.
           $ mktemp file.XXXX
    • Create a temporary file with a known suffix.
           $ mktemp --suffix=.txt file-XXXX
           $ mktemp file-XXXX-XXXX.txt
    • Create a secure fifo relative to the user’s choice of ‘TMPDIR’, but
      falling back to the current directory rather than ‘/tmp’.  Note
      that ‘mktemp’ does not create fifos, but can create a secure
      directory in which the fifo can live.  Exit the shell if the
      directory or fifo could not be created.
           $ dir=$(mktemp -p "${TMPDIR:-.}" -d dir-XXXX) || exit 1
           $ fifo=$dir/fifo
           $ mkfifo "$fifo" || { rmdir "$dir"; exit 1; }
    • Create and use a temporary file if possible, but ignore failure.
      The file will reside in the directory named by ‘TMPDIR’, if
      specified, or else in ‘/tmp’.
           $ file=$(mktemp -q) && {
           >   # Safe to use $file only within this block.  Use quotes,
           >   # since $TMPDIR, and thus $file, may contain whitespace.
           >   echo ... > "$file"
           >   rm "$file"
           > }
    • Act as a semi-random character generator (it is not fully random,
      since it is impacted by the contents of the current directory).  To
      avoid security holes, do not use the resulting names to create a
           $ mktemp -u XXX
           $ mktemp -u XXX
    The program accepts the following options.  Also see SeeCommon
      Create a directory rather than a file.  The directory will have
      read, write, and search permissions for the current user, but no
      permissions for the group or others; these permissions are reduced
      if the current umask is more restrictive.
      Suppress diagnostics about failure to create a file or directory.
      The exit status will still reflect whether a file was created.
      Generate a temporary name that does not name an existing file,
      without changing the file system contents.  Using the output of
      this command to create a new file is inherently unsafe, as there is
      a window of time between generating the name and using it where
      another process can create an object by the same name.
 ‘-p DIR’
      Treat TEMPLATE relative to the directory DIR.  If DIR is not
      specified (only possible with the long option ‘--tmpdir’) or is the
      empty string, use the value of ‘TMPDIR’ if available, otherwise use
      ‘/tmp’.  If this is specified, TEMPLATE must not be absolute.
      However, TEMPLATE can still contain slashes, although intermediate
      directories must already exist.
      Append SUFFIX to the TEMPLATE.  SUFFIX must not contain slash.  If
      ‘--suffix’ is specified, TEMPLATE must end in ‘X’; if it is not
      specified, then an appropriate ‘--suffix’ is inferred by finding
      the last ‘X’ in TEMPLATE.  This option exists for use with the
      default TEMPLATE and for the creation of a SUFFIX that starts with
      Treat TEMPLATE as a single file relative to the value of ‘TMPDIR’
      if available, or to the directory specified by ‘-p’, otherwise to
      ‘/tmp’.  TEMPLATE must not contain slashes.  This option is
      deprecated; the use of ‘-p’ without ‘-t’ offers better defaults (by
      favoring the command line over ‘TMPDIR’) and more flexibility (by
      allowing intermediate directories).
    Exit status:
      0 if the file was created,
      1 otherwise.