coreutils: Sorting the output

 10.1.3 Sorting the output
 These options change the order in which ‘ls’ sorts the information it
 outputs.  By default, sorting is done by character code (e.g., ASCII
      If the long listing format (e.g., ‘-l’, ‘-o’) is being used, print
      the status change timestamp (the ctime) instead of the mtime.  When
      explicitly sorting by time (‘--sort=time’ or ‘-t’) or when not
      using a long listing format, sort according to the ctime.  See
      File timestamps.
      Primarily, like ‘-U’—do not sort; list the files in whatever order
      they are stored in the directory.  But also enable ‘-a’ (list all
      files) and disable ‘-l’, ‘--color’, and ‘-s’ (if they were
      specified before the ‘-f’).
      Reverse whatever the sorting method is—e.g., list files in reverse
      alphabetical order, youngest first, smallest first, or whatever.
      Sort by file size, largest first.
      Sort by modification timestamp (mtime), newest first.  SeeFile
      If the long listing format (e.g., ‘--format=long’) is being used,
      print the last access timestamp (the atime).  When explicitly
      sorting by time (‘--sort=time’ or ‘-t’) or when not using a long
      listing format, sort according to the atime.  SeeFile
      Do not sort; list the files in whatever order they are stored in
      the directory.  (Do not do any of the other unrelated things that
      ‘-f’ does.)  This is especially useful when listing very large
      directories, since not doing any sorting can be noticeably faster.
      Sort by version name and number, lowest first.  It behaves like a
      default sort, except that each sequence of decimal digits is
      treated numerically as an index/version number.  (SeeDetails
      about version sort.)
      Sort directory contents alphabetically by file extension
      (characters after the last ‘.’); files with no extension are sorted