cl: Sequence Basics

 9.1 Sequence Basics
 Many of the sequence functions take keyword arguments; SeeArgument
 Lists.  All keyword arguments are optional and, if specified, may
 appear in any order.
    The ‘:key’ argument should be passed either ‘nil’, or a function of
 one argument.  This key function is used as a filter through which the
 elements of the sequence are seen; for example, ‘(cl-find x y :key
 'car)’ is similar to ‘(cl-assoc x y)’.  It searches for an element of
 the list whose CAR equals ‘x’, rather than for an element which equals
 ‘x’ itself.  If ‘:key’ is omitted or ‘nil’, the filter is effectively
 the identity function.
    The ‘:test’ and ‘:test-not’ arguments should be either ‘nil’, or
 functions of two arguments.  The test function is used to compare two
 sequence elements, or to compare a search value with sequence elements.
 (The two values are passed to the test function in the same order as the
 original sequence function arguments from which they are derived, or, if
 they both come from the same sequence, in the same order as they appear
 in that sequence.)  The ‘:test’ argument specifies a function which must
 return true (non-‘nil’) to indicate a match; instead, you may use
 ‘:test-not’ to give a function which returns _false_ to indicate a
 match.  The default test function is ‘eql’.
    Many functions that take ITEM and ‘:test’ or ‘:test-not’ arguments
 also come in ‘-if’ and ‘-if-not’ varieties, where a PREDICATE function
 is passed instead of ITEM, and sequence elements match if the predicate
 returns true on them (or false in the case of ‘-if-not’).  For example:
      (cl-remove 0 seq :test '=)  ≡  (cl-remove-if 'zerop seq)
 to remove all zeros from sequence ‘seq’.
    Some operations can work on a subsequence of the argument sequence;
 these function take ‘:start’ and ‘:end’ arguments, which default to zero
 and the length of the sequence, respectively.  Only elements between
 START (inclusive) and END (exclusive) are affected by the operation.
 The END argument may be passed ‘nil’ to signify the length of the
 sequence; otherwise, both START and END must be integers, with ‘0 <=
 START <= END <= (length SEQ)’.  If the function takes two sequence
 arguments, the limits are defined by keywords ‘:start1’ and ‘:end1’ for
 the first, and ‘:start2’ and ‘:end2’ for the second.
    A few functions accept a ‘:from-end’ argument, which, if non-‘nil’,
 causes the operation to go from right-to-left through the sequence
 instead of left-to-right, and a ‘:count’ argument, which specifies an
 integer maximum number of elements to be removed or otherwise processed.
    The sequence functions make no guarantees about the order in which
 the ‘:test’, ‘:test-not’, and ‘:key’ functions are called on various
 elements.  Therefore, it is a bad idea to depend on side effects of
 these functions.  For example, ‘:from-end’ may cause the sequence to be
 scanned actually in reverse, or it may be scanned forwards but computing
 a result “as if” it were scanned backwards.  (Some functions, like
 ‘cl-mapcar’ and ‘cl-every’, _do_ specify exactly the order in which the
 function is called so side effects are perfectly acceptable in those
    Strings may contain “text properties” as well as character data.
 Except as noted, it is undefined whether or not text properties are
 preserved by sequence functions.  For example, ‘(cl-remove ?A STR)’ may
 or may not preserve the properties of the characters copied from STR
 into the result.