cl: Predicates on Numbers

 8.1 Predicates on Numbers
 These functions return ‘t’ if the specified condition is true of the
 numerical argument, or ‘nil’ otherwise.
  -- Function: cl-plusp number
      This predicate tests whether NUMBER is positive.  It is an error if
      the argument is not a number.
  -- Function: cl-minusp number
      This predicate tests whether NUMBER is negative.  It is an error if
      the argument is not a number.
  -- Function: cl-oddp integer
      This predicate tests whether INTEGER is odd.  It is an error if the
      argument is not an integer.
  -- Function: cl-evenp integer
      This predicate tests whether INTEGER is even.  It is an error if
      the argument is not an integer.
  -- Function: cl-digit-char-p char radix
      Test if CHAR is a digit in the specified RADIX (default is 10).  If
      it is, return the numerical value of digit CHAR in RADIX.