ccmode: Syntactic Analysis

 10.1 Syntactic Analysis
 The first thing CC Mode does when indenting a line of code, is to
 analyze the line by calling ‘c-guess-basic-syntax’, determining the
 syntactic context of the (first) construct on that line.  Although this
 function is mainly used internally, it can sometimes be useful in
 Line-up functions (SeeCustom Line-Up) or in functions on
 ‘c-special-indent-hook’ (SeeOther Indentation).
  -- Function: c-guess-basic-syntax
      Determine the syntactic context of the current line.
    The “syntactic context” is a list of “syntactic elements”, where each
 syntactic element in turn is a list(1) Here is a brief and typical
      ((defun-block-intro 1959))
 The first thing inside each syntactic element is always a “syntactic
 symbol”.  It describes the kind of construct that was recognized, e.g.,
 ‘statement’, ‘substatement’, ‘class-open’, ‘class-close’, etc.  See
 Syntactic Symbols, for a complete list of currently recognized
 syntactic symbols and their semantics.  The remaining entries are
 various data associated with the recognized construct; there might be
 zero or more.
    Conceptually, a line of code is always indented relative to some
 position higher up in the buffer (typically the indentation of the
 previous line).  That position is the “anchor position” in the syntactic
 element.  If there is an entry after the syntactic symbol in the
 syntactic element list then it’s either ‘nil’ or that anchor position.
    Here is an example.  Suppose we had the following code as the only
 thing in a C++ buffer (2):
       1: void swap( int& a, int& b )
       2: {
       3:     int tmp = a;
       4:     a = b;
       5:     b = tmp;
       6: }
 We can use ‘C-c C-s’ (‘c-show-syntactic-information’) to report what the
 syntactic analysis is for the current line:
 ‘C-c C-s’ (‘c-show-syntactic-information’)
      This command calculates the syntactic analysis of the current line
      and displays it in the minibuffer.  The command also highlights the
      anchor position(s).
    Running this command on line 4 of this example, we’d see in the echo
      ((statement 35))
 and the ‘i’ of ‘int’ on line 3 would be highlighted.  This tells us that
 the line is a statement and it is indented relative to buffer position
 35, the highlighted position.  If you were to move point to line 3 and
 hit ‘C-c C-s’, you would see:
      ((defun-block-intro 29))
 This indicates that the ‘int’ line is the first statement in a top level
 function block, and is indented relative to buffer position 29, which is
 the brace just after the function header.
    Here’s another example:
       1: int add( int val, int incr, int doit )
       2: {
       3:     if( doit )
       4:         {
       5:             return( val + incr );
       6:         }
       7:     return( val );
       8: }
 Hitting ‘C-c C-s’ on line 4 gives us:
      ((substatement-open 46))
 which tells us that this is a brace that _opens_ a substatement
    Syntactic contexts can contain more than one element, and syntactic
 elements need not have anchor positions.  The most common example of
 this is a “comment-only line”:
       1: void draw_list( List<Drawables>& drawables )
       2: {
       3:         // call the virtual draw() method on each element in list
       4:     for( int i=0; i < drawables.count(), ++i )
       5:     {
       6:         drawables[i].draw();
       7:     }
       8: }
 Hitting ‘C-c C-s’ on line 3 of this example gives:
      ((comment-intro) (defun-block-intro 46))
 and you can see that the syntactic context contains two syntactic
 elements.  Notice that the first element, ‘(comment-intro)’, has no
 anchor position.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) In CC Mode 5.28 and earlier, a syntactic element was a dotted
 pair; the cons was the syntactic symbol and the cdr was the anchor
 position.  For compatibility’s sake, the parameter passed to a line-up
 function still has this dotted pair form (SeeCustom Line-Up).
    (2) The line numbers in this and future examples don’t actually
 appear in the buffer, of course!
    (3) With a universal argument (i.e., ‘C-u C-c C-s’) the analysis is
 inserted into the buffer as a comment on the current line.
    (4) A “substatement” is the line after a conditional statement, such
 as ‘if’, ‘else’, ‘while’, ‘do’, ‘switch’, etc.  A “substatement block”
 is a brace block following one of these conditional statements.