ccmode: Switch Statement Symbols

 10.2.4 Switch Statement Symbols
 Switch statements have their own set of syntactic symbols.  Here’s an
       1: void spam( enum Ingredient i )
       2: {
       3:     switch( i ) {
       4:     case Ham:
       5:         be_a_pig();
       6:         break;
       7:     case Salt:
       8:         drink_some_water();
       9:         break;
      10:     default:
      11:         {
      12:             what_is_it();
      13:             break;
      14:         }
      15:     }
      14: }
    Here, lines 4, 7, and 10 are all assigned ‘case-label’ syntax, while
 lines 5 and 8 are assigned ‘statement-case-intro’.  Line 11 is treated
 slightly differently since it contains a brace that opens a block; it is
 given ‘statement-case-open’ syntax.