ccmode: Objective-C Method Symbols

 10.2.10 Objective-C Method Symbols
 In Objective-C buffers, there are three additional syntactic symbols
 assigned to various message calling constructs.  Here’s an example
 illustrating these:
       1: - (void)setDelegate:anObject
       2:           withStuff:stuff
       3: {
       4:     [delegate masterWillRebind:self
       5:               toDelegate:anObject
       6:               withExtraStuff:stuff];
       7: }
    Here, line 1 is assigned ‘objc-method-intro’ syntax, and line 2 is
 assigned ‘objc-method-args-cont’ syntax.  Lines 5 and 6 are both
 assigned ‘objc-method-call-cont’ syntax.