ccmode: Custom Filling and Breaking

 7 Customizing Filling and Line Breaking
 Since there’s a lot of normal text in comments and string literals, CC
 Mode provides features to edit these like in text mode.  It does this by
 hooking in on the different line breaking functions and tuning relevant
 variables as necessary.
    To make Emacs recognize comments and treat text in them as normal
 paragraphs, CC Mode makes several standard variables(1) buffer-local and
 modifies them according to the language syntax and the comment line
  -- User Option: c-comment-prefix-regexp
      This style variable contains the regexp used to recognize the
      “comment line prefix”, which is the line decoration that starts
      every line in a comment.  The variable is either the comment line
      prefix itself, or (more usually) an association list with different
      values for different languages.  The symbol for the major mode is
      looked up in the alist to get the regexp for the language, and if
      it isn’t found then the special symbol ‘other’ is looked up
      When a comment line gets divided by ‘M-j’ or the like, CC Mode
      inserts the comment line prefix from a neighboring line at the
      start of the new line.  The default value of
      c-comment-prefix-regexp is ‘//+\\|\\**’, which matches C++ style
      line comments like
           // blah blah
      with two or more slashes in front of them, and the second and
      subsequent lines of C style block comments like
            * blah blah
      with zero or more stars at the beginning of every line.  If you
      change this variable, please make sure it still matches the comment
      starter (i.e., ‘//’) of line comments _and_ the line prefix inside
      block comments.
      Also note that since CC Mode uses the value of
      ‘c-comment-prefix-regexp’ to set up several other variables at mode
      initialization, there won’t be any effect if you just change it
      inside a CC Mode buffer.  You need to call the command
      ‘c-setup-paragraph-variables’ too, to update those other variables.
      That’s also the case if you modify ‘c-comment-prefix-regexp’ in a
      mode hook, since CC Mode will already have set up these variables
      before calling the hook.
    In comments, CC Mode uses ‘c-comment-prefix-regexp’ to adapt the line
 prefix from the other lines in the comment.
    CC Mode uses adaptive fill mode (See(emacs)Adaptive Fill) to
 make Emacs correctly keep the line prefix when filling paragraphs.  That
 also makes Emacs preserve the text indentation _inside_ the comment line
 prefix.  E.g., in the following comment, both paragraphs will be filled
 with the left margins of the texts kept intact:
      /* Make a balanced b-tree of the nodes in the incoming
       * stream.  But, to quote the famous words of Donald E.
       * Knuth,
       *     Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only
       *     proved it correct, not tried it.
    It’s also possible to use other adaptive filling packages, notably
 Kyle E. Jones’ Filladapt package(2), which handles things like bulleted
 lists nicely.  There’s a convenience function ‘c-setup-filladapt’ that
 tunes the relevant variables in Filladapt for use in CC Mode.  Call it
 from a mode hook, e.g., with something like this in your ‘.emacs’:
      (defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
        (filladapt-mode 1))
      (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)
  -- User Option: c-block-comment-prefix
      Normally the comment line prefix inserted for a new line inside a
      comment is deduced from other lines in it.  However there’s one
      situation when there’s no hint about what the prefix should look
      like, namely when a block comment is broken for the first time.
      This style variable(3) is used then as the comment prefix.  It
      defaults to ‘* ’(4), which makes a comment
           /* Got O(n^2) here, which is a Bad Thing. */
      break into
           /* Got O(n^2) here, which
            * is a Bad Thing. */
      Note that it won’t work to adjust the indentation by putting
      leading spaces in ‘c-block-comment-prefix’, since CC Mode still
      uses the normal indentation engine to indent the line.  Thus, the
      right way to fix the indentation is by customizing the ‘c’
      syntactic symbol.  It defaults to ‘c-lineup-C-comments’, which
      handles the indentation of most common comment styles, see See
      Line-Up Functions.
  -- User Option: c-ignore-auto-fill
      When auto fill mode is enabled, CC Mode can selectively ignore it
      depending on the context the line break would occur in, e.g., to
      never break a line automatically inside a string literal.  This
      variable takes a list of symbols for the different contexts where
      auto-filling never should occur:
           Inside a string or character literal.
           Inside a C style block comment.
           Inside a C++ style line comment.
           Inside a preprocessor directive.
           Anywhere else, i.e., in normal code.
      By default, ‘c-ignore-auto-fill’ is set to ‘(string cpp code)’,
      which means that when auto-fill mode is activated, auto-filling
      only occurs in comments.  In literals, it’s often desirable to have
      explicit control over newlines.  In preprocessor directives, the
      necessary ‘\’ escape character before the newline is not
      automatically inserted, so an automatic line break would produce
      invalid code.  In normal code, line breaks are normally dictated by
      some logical structure in the code rather than the last whitespace
      character, so automatic line breaks there will produce poor results
      in the current implementation.
    If inside a comment and ‘comment-multi-line’ (See(emacs)Auto
 Fill is non-‘nil’, the indentation and line prefix are preserved.  If
 inside a comment and ‘comment-multi-line’ is ‘nil’, a new comment of the
 same type is started on the next line and indented as appropriate for
    Note that CC Mode sets ‘comment-multi-line’ to ‘t’ at startup.  The
 reason is that ‘M-j’ could otherwise produce sequences of single line
 block comments for texts that should logically be treated as one
 comment, and the rest of the paragraph handling code (e.g., ‘M-q’ and
 ‘M-a’) can’t cope with that, which would lead to inconsistent behavior.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) ‘comment-start’, ‘comment-end’, ‘comment-start-skip’,
 ‘paragraph-start’, ‘paragraph-separate’, ‘paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix’,
 ‘adaptive-fill-mode’, ‘adaptive-fill-regexp’, and
    (2) It’s available from <>.  As of version
 2.12, it does however lack a feature that makes it work suboptimally
 when ‘c-comment-prefix-regexp’ matches the empty string (which it does
 by default).  A patch for that is available from the CC Mode web site.
    (3) In versions before 5.26, this variable was called
 ‘c-comment-continuation-stars’.  As a compatibility measure, CC Mode
 still uses the value on that variable if it’s set.
    (4) Actually, this default setting of ‘c-block-comment-prefix’
 typically gets overridden by the default style ‘gnu’, which sets it to
 blank.  You can see the line splitting effect described here by setting
 a different style, e.g., ‘k&r’ SeeChoosing a Style.