ccmode: Brace/Paren Line-Up

 11.3.1 Brace and Parenthesis Line-Up Functions
 The line-up functions here calculate the indentation for braces,
 parentheses and statements within brace blocks.
  -- Function: c-lineup-close-paren
      Line up the closing paren under its corresponding open paren if the
      open paren is followed by code.  If the open paren ends its line,
      no indentation is added.  E.g.:
           main (int,
                 char **
                )                <- c-lineup-close-paren
           main (
               int, char **
           )                     <- c-lineup-close-paren
      As a special case, if a brace block is opened at the same line as
      the open parenthesis of the argument list, the indentation is
      ‘c-basic-offset’ instead of the open paren column.  See
      ‘c-lineup-arglist’ for further discussion of this “DWIM” measure.
      Works with: All ‘*-close’ symbols.
  -- Function: c-lineup-arglist-close-under-paren
      Set your ‘arglist-close’ syntactic symbol to this line-up function
      so that parentheses that close argument lists will line up under
      the parenthesis that opened the argument list.  It can also be used
      with ‘arglist-cont’ and ‘arglist-cont-nonempty’ to line up all
      lines inside a parenthesis under the open paren.
      As a special case, if a brace block is opened at the same line as
      the open parenthesis of the argument list, the indentation is
      ‘c-basic-offset’ only.  See ‘c-lineup-arglist’ for further
      discussion of this “DWIM” measure.
      Works with: Almost all symbols, but are typically most useful on
      ‘arglist-close’, ‘brace-list-close’, ‘arglist-cont’ and
  -- Function: c-indent-one-line-block
      Indent a one line block ‘c-basic-offset’ extra.  E.g.:
           if (n > 0)
               {m+=n; n=0;}      <- c-indent-one-line-block<--> c-basic-offset
           if (n > 0)
           {                     <- c-indent-one-line-block    m+=n; n=0;
      The block may be surrounded by any kind of parenthesis characters.
      ‘nil’ is returned if the line doesn’t start with a one line block,
      which makes the function usable in list expressions.
      Works with: Almost all syntactic symbols, but most useful on the
      ‘-open’ symbols.
  -- Function: c-indent-multi-line-block
      Indent a multiline block ‘c-basic-offset’ extra.  E.g.:
           int *foo[] = {
               {17},             <- c-indent-multi-line-block
           int *foo[] = {
                   {             <- c-indent-multi-line-block        17
               <--> c-basic-offset
      The block may be surrounded by any kind of parenthesis characters.
      ‘nil’ is returned if the line doesn’t start with a multiline block,
      which makes the function usable in list expressions.
      Works with: Almost all syntactic symbols, but most useful on the
      ‘-open’ symbols.
  -- Function: c-lineup-runin-statements
      Line up statements for coding standards which place the first
      statement in a block on the same line as the block opening
      brace(1).  E.g.:
           int main()
           { puts ("Hello!");
             return 0;           <- c-lineup-runin-statements}
      If there is no statement after the opening brace to align with,
      ‘nil’ is returned.  This makes the function usable in list
      Works with: The ‘statement’ syntactic symbol.
  -- Function: c-lineup-inexpr-block
      This can be used with the in-expression block symbols to indent the
      whole block to the column where the construct is started.  E.g.,
      for Java anonymous classes, this lines up the class under the ‘new’
      keyword, and in Pike it lines up the lambda function body under the
      ‘lambda’ keyword.  Returns ‘nil’ if the block isn’t part of such a
      Works with: ‘inlambda’, ‘inexpr-statement’, ‘inexpr-class’.
  -- Function: c-lineup-after-whitesmith-blocks
      Compensate for Whitesmith style indentation of blocks.  Due to the
      way CC Mode calculates anchor positions for normal lines inside
      blocks, this function is necessary for those lines to get correct
      Whitesmith style indentation.  Consider the following examples:
           int foo()
               x;                 <- c-lineup-after-whitesmith-blocks
           int foo()
               x;                 <- c-lineup-after-whitesmith-blocks
      The fact that the line with ‘x’ is preceded by a Whitesmith style
      indented block in the latter case and not the first should not
      affect its indentation.  But since CC Mode in cases like this uses
      the indentation of the preceding statement as anchor position, the
      ‘x’ would in the second case be indented too much if the offset for
      ‘statement’ was set simply to zero.
      This lineup function corrects for this situation by detecting if
      the anchor position is at an open paren character.  In that case,
      it instead indents relative to the surrounding block just like
      Works with: ‘brace-list-entry’, ‘brace-entry-open’, ‘statement’,
  -- Function: c-lineup-whitesmith-in-block
      Line up lines inside a block in Whitesmith style.  It’s done in a
      way that works both when the opening brace hangs and when it
      doesn’t.  E.g.:
               foo;              <- c-lineup-whitesmith-in-block    }
           something {
               foo;              <- c-lineup-whitesmith-in-block    }
           <--> c-basic-offset
      In the first case the indentation is kept unchanged, in the second
      ‘c-basic-offset’ is added.
      Works with: ‘defun-close’, ‘defun-block-intro’, ‘inline-close’,
      ‘block-close’, ‘brace-list-close’, ‘brace-list-intro’,
      ‘statement-block-intro’, ‘arglist-intro’, ‘arglist-cont-nonempty’,
      ‘arglist-close’, and all ‘in*’ symbols, e.g., ‘inclass’ and
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) Run-in style doesn’t really work too well.  You might need to
 write your own custom line-up functions to better support this style.