calc: Vector Lisp Functions Vector Functions
 The functions described here perform various operations on vectors and
  -- Function: math-concat x y
      Do a vector concatenation; this operation is written ‘X | Y’ in a
      symbolic formula.  SeeBuilding Vectors.
  -- Function: vec-length v
      Return the length of vector V.  If V is not a vector, the result is
      zero.  If V is a matrix, this returns the number of rows in the
  -- Function: mat-dimens m
      Determine the dimensions of vector or matrix M.  If M is not a
      vector, the result is an empty list.  If M is a plain vector but
      not a matrix, the result is a one-element list containing the
      length of the vector.  If M is a matrix with R rows and C columns,
      the result is the list ‘(R C)’.  Higher-order tensors produce lists
      of more than two dimensions.  Note that the object ‘[[1, 2, 3], [4,
      5]]’ is a vector of vectors not all the same size, and is treated
      by this and other Calc routines as a plain vector of two elements.
  -- Function: dimension-error
      Abort the current function with a message of “Dimension error.” The
      Calculator will leave the function being evaluated in symbolic
      form; this is really just a special case of ‘reject-arg’.
  -- Function: build-vector args
      Return a Calc vector with ARGS as elements.  For example,
      ‘(build-vector 1 2 3)’ returns the Calc vector ‘[1, 2, 3]’, stored
      internally as the list ‘(vec 1 2 3)’.
  -- Function: make-vec obj dims
      Return a Calc vector or matrix all of whose elements are equal to
      OBJ.  For example, ‘(make-vec 27 3 4)’ returns a 3x4 matrix filled
      with 27’s.
  -- Function: row-matrix v
      If V is a plain vector, convert it into a row matrix, i.e., a
      matrix whose single row is V.  If V is already a matrix, leave it
  -- Function: col-matrix v
      If V is a plain vector, convert it into a column matrix, i.e., a
      matrix with each element of V as a separate row.  If V is already a
      matrix, leave it alone.
  -- Function: map-vec f v
      Map the Lisp function F over the Calc vector V.  For example,
      ‘(map-vec 'math-floor v)’ returns a vector of the floored
      components of vector V.
  -- Function: map-vec-2 f a b
      Map the Lisp function F over the two vectors A and B.  If A and B
      are vectors of equal length, the result is a vector of the results
      of calling ‘(F AI BI)’ for each pair of elements AI and BI.  If
      either A or B is a scalar, it is matched with each value of the
      other vector.  For example, ‘(map-vec-2 'math-add v 1)’ returns the
      vector V with each element increased by one.  Note that using ‘'+’
      would not work here, since ‘defmath’ does not expand function names
      everywhere, just where they are in the function position of a Lisp
  -- Function: reduce-vec f v
      Reduce the function F over the vector V.  For example, if V is
      ‘[10, 20, 30, 40]’, this calls ‘(f (f (f 10 20) 30) 40)’.  If V is
      a matrix, this reduces over the rows of V.
  -- Function: reduce-cols f m
      Reduce the function F over the columns of matrix M.  For example,
      if M is ‘[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]’, the result is a vector of the
      two elements ‘(f (f 1 3) 5)’ and ‘(f (f 2 4) 6)’.
  -- Function: mat-row m n
      Return the Nth row of matrix M.  This is equivalent to ‘(elt m n)’.
      For a slower but safer version, use ‘mrow’.  (SeeExtracting
  -- Function: mat-col m n
      Return the Nth column of matrix M, in the form of a vector.  The
      arguments are not checked for correctness.
  -- Function: mat-less-row m n
      Return a copy of matrix M with its Nth row deleted.  The number N
      must be in range from 1 to the number of rows in M.
  -- Function: mat-less-col m n
      Return a copy of matrix M with its Nth column deleted.
  -- Function: transpose m
      Return the transpose of matrix M.
  -- Function: flatten-vector v
      Flatten nested vector V into a vector of scalars.  For example, if
      V is ‘[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]’ the result is ‘[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]’.
  -- Function: copy-matrix m
      If M is a matrix, return a copy of M.  This maps ‘copy-sequence’
      over the rows of M; in Lisp terms, each element of the result
      matrix will be ‘eq’ to the corresponding element of M, but none of
      the ‘cons’ cells that make up the structure of the matrix will be
      ‘eq’.  If M is a plain vector, this is the same as ‘copy-sequence’.
  -- Function: swap-rows m r1 r2
      Exchange rows R1 and R2 of matrix M in-place.  In other words,
      unlike most of the other functions described here, this function
      changes M itself rather than building up a new result matrix.  The
      return value is M, i.e., ‘(eq (swap-rows m 1 2) m)’ is true, with
      the side effect of exchanging the first two rows of M.