calc: Programming Tutorial

 3.6 Programming Tutorial
 The Calculator is written entirely in Emacs Lisp, a highly extensible
 language.  If you know Lisp, you can program the Calculator to do
 anything you like.  Rewrite rules also work as a powerful programming
 system.  But Lisp and rewrite rules take a while to master, and often
 all you want to do is define a new function or repeat a command a few
 times.  Calc has features that allow you to do these things easily.
    One very limited form of programming is defining your own functions.
 Calc’s ‘Z F’ command allows you to define a function name and key
 sequence to correspond to any formula.  Programming commands use the
 shift-‘Z’ prefix; the user commands they create use the lower case ‘z’
      1:  x + x^2 / 2 + x^3 / 6 + 1         1:  x + x^2 / 2 + x^3 / 6 + 1
          .                                     .
          ' 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! <RET>         Z F e myexp <RET> <RET> <RET> y
    This polynomial is a Taylor series approximation to ‘exp(x)’.  The ‘Z
 F’ command asks a number of questions.  The above answers say that the
 key sequence for our function should be ‘z e’; the ‘M-x’ equivalent
 should be ‘calc-myexp’; the name of the function in algebraic formulas
 should also be ‘myexp’; the default argument list ‘(x)’ is acceptable;
 and finally ‘y’ answers the question “leave it in symbolic form for
 non-constant arguments?”
      1:  1.3495     2:  1.3495     3:  1.3495
          .          1:  1.34986    2:  1.34986
                         .          1:  myexp(a + 1)
          .3 z e         .3 E           ' a+1 <RET> z e
 First we call our new ‘exp’ approximation with 0.3 as an argument, and
 compare it with the true ‘exp’ function.  Then we note that, as
 requested, if we try to give ‘z e’ an argument that isn’t a plain
 number, it leaves the ‘myexp’ function call in symbolic form.  If we had
 answered ‘n’ to the final question, ‘myexp(a + 1)’ would have evaluated
 by plugging in ‘a + 1’ for ‘x’ in the defining formula.
    (•) *Exercise 1.*  The “sine integral” function ‘Si(x)’ is defined as
 the integral of ‘sin(t)/t’ for ‘t = 0’ to ‘x’ in radians.  (It was
 invented because this integral has no solution in terms of basic
 functions; if you give it to Calc’s ‘a i’ command, it will ponder it for
 a long time and then give up.)  We can use the numerical integration
 command, however, which in algebraic notation is written like
 ‘ninteg(f(t), t, 0, x)’ with any integrand ‘f(t)’.  Define a ‘z s’
 command and ‘Si’ function that implement this.  You will need to edit
 the default argument list a bit.  As a test, ‘Si(1)’ should return
 0.946083.  (If you don’t get this answer, you might want to check that
 Calc is in Radians mode.  Also, ‘ninteg’ will run a lot faster if you
 reduce the precision to, say, six digits beforehand.)  See1
 Programming Answer 1.  (•)
    The simplest way to do real “programming” of Emacs is to define a
 “keyboard macro”.  A keyboard macro is simply a sequence of keystrokes
 which Emacs has stored away and can play back on demand.  For example,
 if you find yourself typing ‘H a S x <RET>’ often, you may wish to
 program a keyboard macro to type this for you.
      1:  y = sqrt(x)          1:  x = y^2
          .                        .
          ' y=sqrt(x) <RET>       C-x ( H a S x <RET> C-x )
      1:  y = cos(x)           1:  x = s1 arccos(y) + 2 n1 pi
          .                        .
          ' y=cos(x) <RET>           X
 When you type ‘C-x (’, Emacs begins recording.  But it is also still
 ready to execute your keystrokes, so you’re really “training” Emacs by
 walking it through the procedure once.  When you type ‘C-x )’, the macro
 is recorded.  You can now type ‘X’ to re-execute the same keystrokes.
    You can give a name to your macro by typing ‘Z K’.
      1:  .              1:  y = x^4         1:  x = s2 sqrt(s1 sqrt(y))
                             .                   .
        Z K x <RET>            ' y=x^4 <RET>         z x
 Notice that we use shift-‘Z’ to define the command, and lower-case ‘z’
 to call it up.
    Keyboard macros can call other macros.
      1:  abs(x)        1:  x = s1 y                1:  2 / x    1:  x = 2 / y
          .                 .                           .            .
       ' abs(x) <RET>   C-x ( ' y <RET> a = z x C-x )    ' 2/x <RET>       X
    (•) *Exercise 2.*  Define a keyboard macro to negate the item in
 level 3 of the stack, without disturbing the rest of the stack.  See
 2 Programming Answer 2.  (•)
    (•) *Exercise 3.*  Define keyboard macros to compute the following
   1. Compute ‘sin(x) / x’, where ‘x’ is the number on the top of the
   2. Compute the base-‘b’ logarithm, just like the ‘B’ key except the
      arguments are taken in the opposite order.
   3. Produce a vector of integers from 1 to the integer on the top of
      the stack.
 See3 Programming Answer 3.  (•)
    (•) *Exercise 4.*  Define a keyboard macro to compute the average
 (mean) value of a list of numbers.  See4 Programming Answer 4.  (•)
    In many programs, some of the steps must execute several times.  Calc
 has “looping” commands that allow this.  Loops are useful inside
 keyboard macros, but actually work at any time.
      1:  x^6          2:  x^6        1: 360 x^2
          .            1:  4             .
        ' x^6 <RET>          4         Z < a d x <RET> Z >
 Here we have computed the fourth derivative of ‘x^6’ by enclosing a
 derivative command in a “repeat loop” structure.  This structure pops a
 repeat count from the stack, then executes the body of the loop that
 many times.
    If you make a mistake while entering the body of the loop, type
 ‘Z C-g’ to cancel the loop command.
    Here’s another example:
      3:  1               2:  10946
      2:  1               1:  17711
      1:  20                  .
      1 <RET> <RET> 20       Z < <TAB> C-j + Z >
 The numbers in levels 2 and 1 should be the 21st and 22nd Fibonacci
 numbers, respectively.  (To see what’s going on, try a few repetitions
 of the loop body by hand; ‘C-j’, also on the Line-Feed or <LFD> key if
 you have one, makes a copy of the number in level 2.)
    A fascinating property of the Fibonacci numbers is that the ‘n’th
 Fibonacci number can be found directly by computing ‘phi^n / sqrt(5)’
 and then rounding to the nearest integer, where ‘phi’, the “golden
 ratio,” is ‘(1 + sqrt(5)) / 2’.  (For convenience, this constant is
 available from the ‘phi’ variable, or the ‘I H P’ command.)
      1:  1.61803         1:  24476.0000409    1:  10945.9999817    1:  10946
          .                   .                    .                    .
          I H P               21 ^                 5 Q /                R
    (•) *Exercise 5.*  The “continued fraction” representation of ‘phi’
 is ‘1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/( ... )))’.  We can compute an approximate value
 by carrying this however far and then replacing the innermost ‘1/( ...
 )’ by 1.  Approximate ‘phi’ using a twenty-term continued fraction.
 See5 Programming Answer 5.  (•)
    (•) *Exercise 6.*  Linear recurrences like the one for Fibonacci
 numbers can be expressed in terms of matrices.  Given a vector ‘[a, b]’
 determine a matrix which, when multiplied by this vector, produces the
 vector ‘[b, c]’, where ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ are three successive Fibonacci
 numbers.  Now write a program that, given an integer ‘n’, computes the
 ‘n’th Fibonacci number using matrix arithmetic.  See6 Programming
 Answer 6.  (•)
    A more sophisticated kind of loop is the “for” loop.  Suppose we wish
 to compute the 20th “harmonic” number, which is equal to the sum of the
 reciprocals of the integers from 1 to 20.
      3:  0               1:  3.597739
      2:  1                   .
      1:  20
      0 <RET> 1 <RET> 20         Z ( & + 1 Z )
 The “for” loop pops two numbers, the lower and upper limits, then
 repeats the body of the loop as an internal counter increases from the
 lower limit to the upper one.  Just before executing the loop body, it
 pushes the current loop counter.  When the loop body finishes, it pops
 the “step,” i.e., the amount by which to increment the loop counter.  As
 you can see, our loop always uses a step of one.
    This harmonic number function uses the stack to hold the running
 total as well as for the various loop housekeeping functions.  If you
 find this disorienting, you can sum in a variable instead:
      1:  0         2:  1                  .            1:  3.597739
          .         1:  20                                  .
          0 t 7       1 <RET> 20      Z ( & s + 7 1 Z )       r 7
 The ‘s +’ command adds the top-of-stack into the value in a variable
 (and removes that value from the stack).
    It’s worth noting that many jobs that call for a “for” loop can also
 be done more easily by Calc’s high-level operations.  Two other ways to
 compute harmonic numbers are to use vector mapping and reduction (‘v x
 20’, then ‘V M &’, then ‘V R +’), or to use the summation command ‘a +’.
 Both of these are probably easier than using loops.  However, there are
 some situations where loops really are the way to go:
    (•) *Exercise 7.*  Use a “for” loop to find the first harmonic number
 which is greater than 4.0.  See7 Programming Answer 7.  (•)
    Of course, if we’re going to be using variables in our programs, we
 have to worry about the programs clobbering values that the caller was
 keeping in those same variables.  This is easy to fix, though:
          .        1:  0.6667       1:  0.6667     3:  0.6667
                       .                .          2:  3.597739
                                                   1:  0.6667
         Z `    p 4 <RET> 2 <RET> 3 /   s 7 s s a <RET>    Z '  r 7 s r a <RET>
 When we type ‘Z `’ (that’s a grave accent), Calc saves its mode settings
 and the contents of the ten “quick variables” for later reference.  When
 we type ‘Z '’ (that’s an apostrophe now), Calc restores those saved
 values.  Thus the ‘p 4’ and ‘s 7’ commands have no effect outside this
 sequence.  Wrapping this around the body of a keyboard macro ensures
 that it doesn’t interfere with what the user of the macro was doing.
 Notice that the contents of the stack, and the values of named
 variables, survive past the ‘Z '’ command.
    The “Bernoulli numbers” are a sequence with the interesting property
 that all of the odd Bernoulli numbers are zero, and the even ones, while
 difficult to compute, can be roughly approximated by the formula ‘2 n! /
 (2 pi)^n’.  Let’s write a keyboard macro to compute (approximate)
 Bernoulli numbers.  (Calc has a command, ‘k b’, to compute exact
 Bernoulli numbers, but this command is very slow for large ‘n’ since the
 higher Bernoulli numbers are very large fractions.)
      1:  10               1:  0.0756823
          .                    .
          10     C-x ( <RET> 2 % Z [ <DEL> 0 Z : ' 2 $! / (2 pi)^$ <RET> = Z ] C-x )
 You can read ‘Z [’ as “then,” ‘Z :’ as “else,” and ‘Z ]’ as “end-if.”
 There is no need for an explicit “if” command.  For the purposes of
 ‘Z [’, the condition is “true” if the value it pops from the stack is a
 nonzero number, or “false” if it pops zero or something that is not a
 number (like a formula).  Here we take our integer argument modulo 2;
 this will be nonzero if we’re asking for an odd Bernoulli number.
    The actual tenth Bernoulli number is ‘5/66’.
      3:  0.0756823    1:  0          1:  0.25305    1:  0          1:  1.16659
      2:  5:66             .              .              .              .
      1:  0.0757575
      10 k b <RET> c f   M-0 <DEL> 11 X   <DEL> 12 X       <DEL> 13 X       <DEL> 14 X
    Just to exercise loops a bit more, let’s compute a table of even
 Bernoulli numbers.
      3:  []             1:  [0.10132, 0.03079, 0.02340, 0.033197, ...]
      2:  2                  .
      1:  30
       [ ] 2 <RET> 30          Z ( X | 2 Z )
 The vertical-bar ‘|’ is the vector-concatenation command.  When we
 execute it, the list we are building will be in stack level 2 (initially
 this is an empty list), and the next Bernoulli number will be in level
 1.  The effect is to append the Bernoulli number onto the end of the
 list.  (To create a table of exact fractional Bernoulli numbers, just
 replace ‘X’ with ‘k b’ in the above sequence of keystrokes.)
    With loops and conditionals, you can program essentially anything in
 Calc.  One other command that makes looping easier is ‘Z /’, which takes
 a condition from the stack and breaks out of the enclosing loop if the
 condition is true (non-zero).  You can use this to make “while” and
 “until” style loops.
    If you make a mistake when entering a keyboard macro, you can edit it
 using ‘Z E’.  First, you must attach it to a key with ‘Z K’.  One
 technique is to enter a throwaway dummy definition for the macro, then
 enter the real one in the edit command.
      1:  3                   1:  3           Calc Macro Edit Mode.
          .                       .           Original keys: 1 <return> 2 +
                                              1                          ;; calc digits
                                              RET                        ;; calc-enter
                                              2                          ;; calc digits
                                              +                          ;; calc-plus
      C-x ( 1 <RET> 2 + C-x )    Z K h <RET>      Z E h
 A keyboard macro is stored as a pure keystroke sequence.  The ‘edmacro’
 package (invoked by ‘Z E’) scans along the macro and tries to decode it
 back into human-readable steps.  Descriptions of the keystrokes are
 given as comments, which begin with ‘;;’, and which are ignored when the
 edited macro is saved.  Spaces and line breaks are also ignored when the
 edited macro is saved.  To enter a space into the macro, type ‘SPC’.
 All the special characters ‘RET’, ‘LFD’, ‘TAB’, ‘SPC’, ‘DEL’, and ‘NUL’
 must be written in all uppercase, as must the prefixes ‘C-’ and ‘M-’.
    Let’s edit in a new definition, for computing harmonic numbers.
 First, erase the four lines of the old definition.  Then, type in the
 new definition (or use Emacs ‘M-w’ and ‘C-y’ commands to copy it from
 this page of the Info file; you can of course skip typing the comments,
 which begin with ‘;;’).
      Z`                      ;; calc-kbd-push     (Save local values)
      0                       ;; calc digits       (Push a zero onto the stack)
      st                      ;; calc-store-into   (Store it in the following variable)
      1                       ;; calc quick variable  (Quick variable q1)
      1                       ;; calc digits       (Initial value for the loop)
      TAB                     ;; calc-roll-down    (Swap initial and final)
      Z(                      ;; calc-kbd-for      (Begin the "for" loop)
      &                       ;; calc-inv          (Take the reciprocal)
      s+                      ;; calc-store-plus   (Add to the following variable)
      1                       ;; calc quick variable  (Quick variable q1)
      1                       ;; calc digits       (The loop step is 1)
      Z)                      ;; calc-kbd-end-for  (End the "for" loop)
      sr                      ;; calc-recall       (Recall the final accumulated value)
      1                       ;; calc quick variable (Quick variable q1)
      Z'                      ;; calc-kbd-pop      (Restore values)
 Press ‘C-c C-c’ to finish editing and return to the Calculator.
      1:  20         1:  3.597739
          .              .
          20             z h
    The ‘edmacro’ package defines a handy ‘read-kbd-macro’ command which
 reads the current region of the current buffer as a sequence of
 keystroke names, and defines that sequence on the ‘X’ (and ‘C-x e’) key.
 Because this is so useful, Calc puts this command on the ‘C-x * m’ key.
 Try reading in this macro in the following form: Press ‘C-@’ (or
 ‘C-<SPC>’) at one end of the text below, then type ‘C-x * m’ at the
      Z ` 0 t 1
          1 TAB
          Z (  & s + 1  1 Z )
          r 1
      Z '
    (•) *Exercise 8.*  A general algorithm for solving equations
 numerically is “Newton’s Method”.  Given the equation ‘f(x) = 0’ for any
 function ‘f’, and an initial guess ‘x_0’ which is reasonably close to
 the desired solution, apply this formula over and over:
      new_x = x - f(x)/f'(x)
 where ‘f'(x)’ is the derivative of ‘f’.  The ‘x’ values will quickly
 converge to a solution, i.e., eventually ‘new_x’ and ‘x’ will be equal
 to within the limits of the current precision.  Write a program which
 takes a formula involving the variable ‘x’, and an initial guess ‘x_0’,
 on the stack, and produces a value of ‘x’ for which the formula is zero.
 Use it to find a solution of ‘sin(cos(x)) = 0.5’ near ‘x = 4.5’.  (Use
 angles measured in radians.)  Note that the built-in ‘a R’
 (‘calc-find-root’) command uses Newton’s method when it is able.  See
 8 Programming Answer 8.  (•)
    (•) *Exercise 9.*  The “digamma” function ‘psi(z)’ is defined as the
 derivative of ‘ln(gamma(z))’.  For large values of ‘z’, it can be
 approximated by the infinite sum
      psi(z) ~= ln(z) - 1/2z - sum(bern(2 n) / 2 n z^(2 n), n, 1, inf)
 where ‘sum’ represents the sum over ‘n’ from 1 to infinity (or to some
 limit high enough to give the desired accuracy), and the ‘bern’ function
 produces (exact) Bernoulli numbers.  While this sum is not guaranteed to
 converge, in practice it is safe.  An interesting mathematical constant
 is Euler’s gamma, which is equal to about 0.5772.  One way to compute it
 is by the formula, ‘gamma = -psi(1)’.  Unfortunately, 1 isn’t a large
 enough argument for the above formula to work (5 is a much safer value
 for ‘z’).  Fortunately, we can compute ‘psi(1)’ from ‘psi(5)’ using the
 recurrence ‘psi(z+1) = psi(z) + 1/z’.  Your task: Develop a program to
 compute ‘psi(z)’; it should “pump up” ‘z’ if necessary to be greater
 than 5, then use the above summation formula.  Use looping commands to
 compute the sum.  Use your function to compute ‘gamma’ to twelve decimal
 places.  (Calc has a built-in command for Euler’s constant, ‘I P’, which
 you can use to check your answer.)  See9 Programming Answer 9.  (•)
    (•) *Exercise 10.*  Given a polynomial in ‘x’ and a number ‘m’ on the
 stack, where the polynomial is of degree ‘m’ or less (i.e., does not
 have any terms higher than ‘x^m’), write a program to convert the
 polynomial into a list-of-coefficients notation.  For example, ‘5 x^4 +
 (x + 1)^2’ with ‘m = 6’ should produce the list ‘[1, 2, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0]’.
 Also develop a way to convert from this form back to the standard
 algebraic form.  See10 Programming Answer 10.  (•)
    (•) *Exercise 11.*  The “Stirling numbers of the first kind” are
 defined by the recurrences,
      s(n,n) = 1   for n >= 0,
      s(n,0) = 0   for n > 0,
      s(n+1,m) = s(n,m-1) - n s(n,m)   for n >= m >= 1.
    This can be implemented using a “recursive” program in Calc; the
 program must invoke itself in order to calculate the two righthand terms
 in the general formula.  Since it always invokes itself with “simpler”
 arguments, it’s easy to see that it must eventually finish the
 computation.  Recursion is a little difficult with Emacs keyboard macros
 since the macro is executed before its definition is complete.  So
 here’s the recommended strategy: Create a “dummy macro” and assign it to
 a key with, e.g., ‘Z K s’.  Now enter the true definition, using the ‘z
 s’ command to call itself recursively, then assign it to the same key
 with ‘Z K s’.  Now the ‘z s’ command will run the complete recursive
 program.  (Another way is to use ‘Z E’ or ‘C-x * m’ (‘read-kbd-macro’)
 to read the whole macro at once, thus avoiding the “training” phase.)
 The task: Write a program that computes Stirling numbers of the first
 kind, given ‘n’ and ‘m’ on the stack.  Test it with _small_ inputs like
 ‘s(4,2)’.  (There is a built-in command for Stirling numbers, ‘k s’,
 which you can use to check your answers.)  See11 Programming Answer
 11.  (•)
    The programming commands we’ve seen in this part of the tutorial are
 low-level, general-purpose operations.  Often you will find that a
 higher-level function, such as vector mapping or rewrite rules, will do
 the job much more easily than a detailed, step-by-step program can:
    (•) *Exercise 12.*  Write another program for computing Stirling
 numbers of the first kind, this time using rewrite rules.  Once again,
 ‘n’ and ‘m’ should be taken from the stack.  See12 Programming
 Answer 12.  (•)
    This ends the tutorial section of the Calc manual.  Now you know
 enough about Calc to use it effectively for many kinds of calculations.
 But Calc has many features that were not even touched upon in this
 tutorial.  The rest of this manual tells the whole story.