calc: Numerical Systems of Equations

 11.7.3 Systems of Equations
 The ‘a R’ command can also solve systems of equations.  In this case,
 the equation should instead be a vector of equations, the guess should
 instead be a vector of numbers (intervals are not supported), and the
 variable should be a vector of variables.  You can omit the brackets
 while entering the list of variables.  Each equation must be
 differentiable by each variable for this mode to work.  The result will
 be a vector of two vectors: The variable values that solved the system
 of equations, and the differences between the sides of the equations
 with those variable values.  There must be the same number of equations
 as variables.  Since only plain numbers are allowed as guesses, the
 Hyperbolic flag has no effect when solving a system of equations.
    It is also possible to minimize over many variables with ‘a N’ (or
 maximize with ‘a X’).  Once again the variable name should be replaced
 by a vector of variables, and the initial guess should be an equal-sized
 vector of initial guesses.  But, unlike the case of multidimensional ‘a
 R’, the formula being minimized should still be a single formula, _not_
 a vector.  Beware that multidimensional minimization is currently _very_