bovine: Bovine Examples

 4 Examples
 The rule:
      any-symbol: symbol
    is equivalent to
      any-symbol: symbol
                  ( $1 )
    which, if it matched the string ‘"A"’, would return
      ( "A" )
    If this rule were used like this:
      %token <punctuation> EQUAL "="
      assign: any-symbol EQUAL any-symbol
              ( $1 $3 )
    it would match ‘"A=B"’, and return
      ( ("A") ("B") )
    The letters ‘A’ and ‘B’ come back in lists because ‘any-symbol’ is a
 nonterminal, not an actual lexical element.
    To get a better result with nonterminals, use , to splice lists in
 like this:
      %token <punctuation> EQUAL "="
      assign: any-symbol EQUAL any-symbol
              ( ,$1 ,$3 )
    which would return
      ( "A" "B" )