autotype: QuickURL

 10 QuickURL: Inserting URLs Based on Text at Point
 ‘M-x quickurl’ can be used to insert a URL into a buffer based on the
 text at point.  The URLs are stored in an external file defined by the
 variable ‘quickurl-url-file’ as a list of either cons cells of the form
 ‘(KEY . URL)’ or lists of the form ‘(KEY URL COMMENT)’.  These specify
 that ‘M-x quickurl’ should insert URL if the word KEY is at point, for
      (("FSF"      "" "The Free Software Foundation")
       ("emacs"  . "")
       ("hagbard"  "" "Hagbard's World"))
    ‘M-x quickurl-add-url’ can be used to add a new KEY/URL pair.  ‘M-x
 quickurl-list’ provides interactive editing of the URL list.