auth: Help for developers

 5 Help for developers
 The auth-source library lets you control logging output easily.
  -- Variable: auth-source-debug
      Set this variable to ‘'trivia’ to see lots of output in
      ‘*Messages*’, or set it to a function that behaves like ‘message’
      to do your own logging.
    The auth-source library only has a few functions for external use.
  -- Function: auth-source-search &rest spec &key type max host user port
           secret require create delete &allow-other-keys
      This function searches (or modifies) authentication backends
      according to SPEC.  See the function’s doc-string for details.
    Let’s take a look at an example of using ‘auth-source-search’ from
 Gnus’s ‘nnimap.el’.
      (defun nnimap-credentials (address ports)
        (let* ((auth-source-creation-prompts
                '((user  . "IMAP user at %h: ")
                  (secret . "IMAP password for %u@%h: ")))
               (found (nth 0 (auth-source-search :max 1
                                                 :host address
                                                 :port ports
                                                 :require '(:user :secret)
                                                 :create t))))
          (if found
              (list (plist-get found :user)
                    (let ((secret (plist-get found :secret)))
                      (if (functionp secret)
                          (funcall secret)
                    (plist-get found :save-function))
    This call requires the user and password (secret) to be in the
 results.  It also requests that an entry be created if it doesn’t exist
 already.  While the created entry is being assembled, the shown prompts
 will be used to interact with the user.  The caller can also pass data
 in ‘auth-source-creation-defaults’ to supply defaults for any of the
    Note that the password needs to be evaluated if it’s a function.
 It’s wrapped in a function to provide some security.
    Later, after a successful login, ‘nnimap.el’ calls the
 ‘:save-function’ like so:
      (when (functionp (nth 2 credentials))
         (funcall (nth 2 credentials)))
    This will work whether the ‘:save-function’ was provided or not.
 ‘:save-function’ will be provided only when a new entry was created, so
 this effectively says “after a successful login, save the authentication
 information we just used, if it was newly created.”
    After the first time it’s called, the ‘:save-function’ will not run
 again (but it will log something if you have set ‘auth-source-debug’ to
 ‘'trivia’).  This is so it won’t ask the same question again, which is
 annoying.  This is so it won’t ask the same question again, which is
 annoying.  This is so it won’t ask the same question again, which is
    So the responsibility of the API user that specified ‘:create t’ is
 to call the ‘:save-function’ if it’s provided.
  -- Function: auth-source-delete &rest spec &key delete
      This function deletes entries matching SPEC from the authentication
      backends.  It returns the entries that were deleted.  The backend
      may not actually delete the entries.
  -- Function: auth-source-forget spec
      This function forgets any cached data that exactly matches SPEC.
      It returns ‘t’ if it forget some data, and ‘nil’ if no matching
      data was found.
  -- Function: auth-source-forget+ &rest spec &allow-other-keys
      This function forgets any cached data matching SPEC.  It returns
      the number of items forgotten.