auctex: Superseding

 A.5.2 Where the native mode is superseded
 This section is directed to users of the native Texinfo mode switching
 Texinfo Mode Summary::) and lists which of its commands are no longer of
 Insert commands
      In the native Texinfo mode, frequently used Texinfo commands can be
      inserted with key bindings of the form 'C-c C-c K' where K differs
      for each Texinfo command; 'c' inserts @code, 'd' inserts @dfn, 'k'
      @kbd, etc.
      In AUCTeX commands are inserted with the key binding 'C-c C-m'
      instead which prompts for the macro to be inserted.  For font
      selection commands (like @b, @i, or @emph) and a few related ones
      (like @var, @key or @code) there are bindings which insert the
      respective macros directly.  They have the form 'C-c C-f K' or 'C-c
      C-f C-K' and call the function 'TeX-font'.  Type 'C-c C-f <RET>' to
      get a list of supported commands.
      Note that the prefix argument is not handled the same way by
      AUCTeX.  Note also that the node insertion command from the native
      mode ('texinfo-insert-@node') can still accessed from the Texinfo
      menu in AUCTeX.
 Insert braces
      In AUCTeX braces can be inserted with the same key binding as in
      the native Texinfo mode: 'C-c {'.  But AUCTeX uses its own function
      for the feature: 'TeX-insert-braces'.
 Insert environments
      The native Texinfo mode does not insert full environments.
      Instead, it provides the function 'texinfo-insert-@end' (mapped to
      'C-c C-c e') for closing an open environment with a matching @end
      In AUCTeX you can insert full environments, i.e.  both the opening
      and closing statements, with the function 'Texinfo-environment'
      (mapped to 'C-c C-e').
 Format info files with makeinfo and TeX
      In the native Texinfo mode there are various functions and bindings
      to format a region or the whole buffer for info or to typeset the
      respective text.  For example, there is 'makeinfo-buffer' (mapped
      to 'C-c C-m C-b') which runs 'makeinfo' on the buffer or there is
      'texinfo-tex-buffer' (mapped to 'C-c C-t C-b') which runs TeX on
      the buffer in order to produce a DVI file.
      In AUCTeX different commands for formatting or typesetting can be
      invoked through the function 'TeX-command-master' (mapped to 'C-c
      C-c').  After typing 'C-c C-c', you can select the desired command,
      e.g 'Makeinfo' or 'TeX', through a prompt in the mini buffer.  Note
      that you can make, say 'Makeinfo', the default by adding this
      statement in your init file:
           (add-hook 'Texinfo-mode-hook
                     (lambda () (setq TeX-command-default "Makeinfo")))
      Note also that 'C-c C-c Makeinfo <RET>' is not completely
      functionally equivalent to 'makeinfo-buffer' as the latter will
      display the resulting info file in Emacs, showing the node
      corresponding to the position in the source file, just after a
      successful compilation.  This is why, while using AUCTeX, invoking
      'makeinfo-buffer' might still be more convenient.
      Note also that in the case of a multifile document, 'C-c C-c' in
      AUCTeX will work on the whole document (provided that the file
      variable 'TeX-master' is set correctly), while 'makeinfo-buffer' in
      the native mode will process only the current buffer, provided at
      the '@setfilename' statement is provided.
 Produce indexes and print
      The native Texinfo mode provides the binding 'C-c C-t C-i'
      ('texinfo-texindex') for producing an index and the bindings 'C-c
      C-t C-p' ('texinfo-tex-print') and 'C-c C-t C-q'
      ('tex-show-print-queue') for printing and showing the printer
      queue.  These are superseded by the respective commands available
      through 'C-c C-c' ('TeX-command-master') in AUCTeX: Index, Print,
      and Queue.
 Kill jobs
      The command 'C-c C-t C-k' ('tex-kill-job') in the native mode is
      superseded by 'C-c C-k' ('TeX-kill-job') in AUCTeX.