auctex: Quick Start

 1.3 Quick Start
 AUCTeX is a powerful program offering many features and configuration
 options.  If you are new to AUCTeX this might be deterrent.  Fortunately
 you do not have to learn everything at once.  This Quick Start Guide
 will give you the knowledge of the most important commands and enable
 you to prepare your first LaTeX document with AUCTeX after only a few
 minutes of reading.
    In this introduction, we assume that AUCTeX is already installed on
 your system.  If this is not the case, you should read the file
 'INSTALL' in the base directory of the unpacked distribution tarball.
 These installation instructions are available in this manual as well,
 SeeInstallation.  We also assume that you are familiar with the way
 keystrokes are written in Emacs manuals.  If not, have a look at the
 Emacs Tutorial in the Help menu.
    If AUCTeX is installed in any other way than from the Emacs package
 manager (ELPA), you might still need to activate it, by inserting
      (load "auctex.el" nil t t)
    in your user init file.(1)
    If AUCTeX is installed from ELPA, the installation procedure already
 cares about loading AUCTeX correctly and you *must not* have the line
 above in your init file.  Note that this also applies if you have the
 following line in your init file
    In order to get support for many of the LaTeX packages you will use
 in your documents, you should enable document parsing as well, which can
 be achieved by putting
      (setq TeX-auto-save t)
      (setq TeX-parse-self t)
    into your init file.  Finally, if you often use '\include' or
 '\input', you should make AUCTeX aware of the multi-file document
 structure.  You can do this by inserting
      (setq-default TeX-master nil)
    into your init file.  Each time you open a new file, AUCTeX will then
 ask you for a master file.
