auctex: Narrowing

 3.4 Narrowing
 Sometimes you want to focus your attention to a limited region of the
 code.  You can do that by restricting the text addressable by editing
 commands and hiding the rest of the buffer with the narrowing functions,
 See(emacs)Narrowing.  In addition, AUCTeX provides a couple of
 other commands to narrow the buffer to a group, i.e.  a region enclosed
 in a pair of curly braces, and to LaTeX environments.
  -- Command: TeX-narrow-to-group
      ('C-x n g') Make text outside current group invisible.
  -- Command: LaTeX-narrow-to-environment COUNT
      ('C-x n e') Make text outside current environment invisible.  With
      optional argument COUNT keep visible that number of enclosing
    Like other standard narrowing functions, the above commands are
 disabled.  Attempting to use them asks for confirmation and gives you
 the option of enabling them; if you enable the commands, confirmation
 will no longer be required for them.