auctex: Automatic Private

 5.5.2 Automatic Customization for a User
 You should specify where you store your private TeX macros, so AUCTeX
 can extract their information.  The extracted information will go to the
 directories listed in 'TeX-auto-private'
    Use 'M-x TeX-auto-generate <RET>' to extract the information.
  -- User Option: TeX-macro-private
      Directories where you store your personal TeX macros.  The value
      defaults to the directories listed in the 'TEXINPUTS' and
      'BIBINPUTS' environment variables or to the respective directories
      in '$TEXMFHOME' if no results can be obtained from the environment
  -- User Option: TeX-auto-private
      List of directories containing automatically generated AUCTeX style
      files.  These correspond to the personal TeX macros.
  -- Command: TeX-auto-generate TEX AUTO
      ('M-x TeX-auto-generate <RET>') Generate style hook for TEX and
      store it in AUTO.  If TEX is a directory, generate style hooks for
      all files in the directory.
  -- User Option: TeX-style-private
      List of directories containing hand generated AUCTeX style files.
      These correspond to the personal TeX macros.