asymptote: Self & prefix operators

 6.9.2 Self & prefix operators
 As in C, each of the arithmetic operators '+', '-', '*', '/', '#', '%',
 and '^' can be used as a self operator.  The prefix operators '++'
 (increment by one) and '--' (decrement by one) are also defined.  For
 int i=1;
 i += 2;
 int j=++i;
 is equivalent to the code
 int i=1;
 int j=i=i+1;
    However, postfix operators like 'i++' and 'i--' are not defined
 (because of the inherent ambiguities that would arise with the '--'
 path-joining operator).  In the rare instances where 'i++' and 'i--' are
 really needed, one can substitute the expressions '(++i-1)' and
 '(--i+1)', respectively.