as: TIC6X Directives

 9.45.3 TIC6X Directives
 Directives controlling the set of instructions accepted by the assembler
 have effect for instructions between the directive and any subsequent
 directive overriding it.
 '.arch ARCH'
      This has the same effect as '-march=ARCH'.
      Prevents unwinding through the current function.  No personality
      routine or exception table data is required or permitted.
      If this is not specified then frame unwinding information will be
      constructed from CFI directives.  SeeCFI directives.
 '.c6xabi_attribute TAG, VALUE'
      Set the C6000 EABI build attribute TAG to VALUE.
      The TAG is either an attribute number or one of 'Tag_ISA',
      'Tag_ABI_wchar_t', 'Tag_ABI_stack_align_needed',
      'Tag_ABI_stack_align_preserved', 'Tag_ABI_DSBT', 'Tag_ABI_PID',
      'Tag_ABI_PIC', 'TAG_ABI_array_object_alignment',
      'TAG_ABI_array_object_align_expected', 'Tag_ABI_compatibility' and
      'Tag_ABI_conformance'.  The VALUE is either a 'number', '"string"',
      or 'number, "string"' depending on the tag.
 '.ehtype SYMBOL'
      Output an exception type table reference to SYMBOL.
      Marks the end of and exception table or function.  If preceded by a
      '.handlerdata' directive then this also switched back to the
      previous text section.
      Marks the end of the current function, and the start of the
      exception table entry for that function.  Anything between this
      directive and the '.endp' directive will be added to the exception
      table entry.
      Must be preceded by a CFI block containing a '.cfi_lsda' directive.
      Disallow use of C64x+ compact instructions in the current text
 '.personalityindex INDEX'
      Sets the personality routine for the current function to the ABI
      specified compact routine number INDEX
 '.personality NAME'
      Sets the personality routine for the current function to NAME.
      Like '.comm', creating a common symbol SYMBOL with size SIZE and
      alignment ALIGN, but unlike when using '.comm', this symbol will be
      placed into the small BSS section by the linker.